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Lord Roro

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Everything posted by Lord Roro

  1. Lord Roro

    Blaze with scope !

    Hi moeb1us. I always wanted to try this feature with the IZH, but never had time. Do you have any visual clues when you trigger this mode ? Like zeroing ? Edit: Dual barrels + hunting scope = Life (or death, depends on which side of the gun you are)
  2. Nice trip mate ! I had this bug as well with the truck, when you are walking it's alright to cross the end of the map (and even go faaaaaar away) but trucks sinks instantly under the ground.. Motor fades... and then back to the beach ! SCIENCE BRO !
  3. Lord Roro

    Best place to store ammo...?

    Quick question : Can you still fast reload when the mags are in a protector case ? I never tried but it should be the best place then.
  4. Lord Roro

    Best place to store ammo...?

    Or stay classy and keep a Derringer in your wool dress.
  5. Lord Roro

    Using Online Map Cheating?

    Using the online map was really funny when the compass was bugged : "Oh it's Gorka ! Let's head south !" ... ... ... "NWAF ! What the f.!" *mosin shot* You are dead
  6. Lord Roro

    Best place to store ammo...?

    Backpack ? It's (in my opinion) the only item that can't be ruined by zeds in one hit.
  7. Lord Roro

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I'm going to murder every bush on Chernarus to take that delicious SMERSH vest ;)
  8. Lord Roro

    Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

    I don't think they spawn anymore, they used to be everywhere before but since one particular update (0.40?), they disappeared (or I'm just extremely unlucky...). Did anyone find the mythical pristine firefighter axe ? They all seems to be at least damaged since last patch.
  9. Lord Roro

    Help Me Find Billboards

    Hey ! Was hunting for a boar when suddenly.. Mogilevka ! Did anyone check for the woman holding the pan ?
  10. Lord Roro

    Post Your Gear So Far

  11. Lord Roro

    Help Me Find Billboards

    Found this link on reddit (extract from game files ?) : http://s54.radikal.ru/i146/0908/1d/80491f760826.jpg
  12. Lord Roro

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Cold dayz