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Everything posted by cash81

  1. cash81

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    This new? Never had it happen before. Lit a fire at night, while i tabbed to grab my canteen, everything went black and the fire went to embers. it was a brand new fire that HAD flames. it was completely black, i couldn't find my way out of the barn i was in. i had to relog and even then it was only light enough to find the exit and as i walked out, everything went black again. total darkness. i had to run away from the barn for a second before the regular night time lighting was back and i could turn around to see the fire light coming out of the barn door.
  2. cash81

    Spawn or Stash?

    What are the odds of this being a spawn? I don't know what town I am in currently on this char but the server i play him on is very quiet. Barely ever any one on. The town i was in looked like it hadn't been looted at all. Lot's of things in cars, buildings, sheds. So I don't think someone stashed these here but who knows... Found this near a truck spawn point (of course no truck!)
  3. cash81

    So I crafted my own Improvised Suppressor

    lol for sure man i do see your point!
  4. cash81

    item desync

    i lost a repeater by putting it down while double carrying. things just vanish now. david copperfielding all over the place lol
  5. cash81

    So I crafted my own Improvised Suppressor

    I don't think the slide moves on that particular gun...
  6. I heard that as well. Try vest full of sticks and random objects on top of your sweater. Im sure that would provide more mitigation than the vest alone.
  7. Pretty sure rick uses a hip holster... which is another question in itself, why no hip holsters in game??
  8. cash81

    Base Builder Challenge

    The Ewoks would be so insulted right now.
  9. cash81

    [0.58] Can't make tanned leather

    Thanks for showing off the crafted stuff. Always like seeing that kinda thing!
  10. This post reminds me of that documentary i saw once called Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.... this new world is so strange to me, i get so, confused... But yeah welcome back and forgive the harshness but we get a bunch of these "back wtf happened??" type posts. I think what added to it was that you admitted you didnt bother reading up on dev prior to your post. Had you come out prepared with "just got back and wow what a difference a year makes (or doesnt) and posted what was different and how you like (or dont like) the changes or path they are on, you mightve gotten a warmer reception. But as you well know, this is the internet and you cant please everyone :)
  11. You were being lazy and clearly had no foresight. But yeah man that seems buggy to me especially if you had checked your surroundings. Arent 2nd floors of buildings one of the common random death spots? I know you always risk getting stuck under the house if you logout on the 2nd floor lol
  12. cash81

    Leaving behind canteens filled with gas

    If you throw them it might be like many other items and itll just float mid air lol
  13. cash81

    Leaving behind canteens filled with gas

    Exactly. What kind of moron just drinks anything they find in a bottle without doing some kind of basic initial check. Same with the eating/drinking sound mechanic. Who slurps and chews that loudly at any point in time?? Let alone someplace where you could be attacked at any minute if someone hears you...
  14. cash81

    Leaving behind canteens filled with gas

    I was under the impression that if you dropped a canteen it would be laying sideways. And that a "spawned" canteen is standing upright. Meaning upright canteens are safe to drink and to be weary of sideways canteens...
  15. cash81

    First few days of dying and not much playing

    Exactly. Because random glitch deaths, desync falls or KOSing never occur in this game... OP: apple trees and berry bushes will keep you going foodwise until they get animals and cooking up to snuff. Just dont eat the blue berries, though, they taste like burning.
  16. cash81

    When DayZ going to have good performance?

    That's like saying you have a 2 million dollar veyron but can still only go 100kph on the highway (or whatever your speed limit is).... basically, until they get around to raising the speed limit, you are stuck going that speed regardless of what you have under the hood. But word is that beta will be coming soon....
  17. I agree there needs to be much more to hunt/forage if they intend on making the canned stuff extremely rare. I would love to take down rabits or squirel with the sportster or trumpet if i couldnt find wire for a snare. Or collect anything more than apples. I cant wait for all that to be implemented but as of now we are stuck picking apples again if you start getting hungry after visiting an empty town. Like i said, looking forward to the future survival options :)
  18. Agree to the extent that i dont want to be walking around with top end mil gear after running to one barrack and calling it a day. But there has to be a balance. No point in having all these animals to hunt if all you have is a lead pipe. I guess it would end up like H1Z1 where everyone is using makeshift bow and arrow. I carried shotgun shells for hours before stumbling upon a pistol grip shotgun in a big construction site. The gun was the only piece of loot in the whole area.... i took it as a sign from the dayz gods lol
  19. Im assuming by "mount" you mean equip? (Putting weapon in your hand). You drag the weapon from inventory down to the grey squares on the bottom of your screen which is your hotbar (first on left is 1, then 2, 3, 4 and so on) Then to equip your weapon (or canteen or axe or knife or binoculars) you press 1 or 2 or 3 etc on your keyboard. Once equipped in your hands you can press the button again to put it back in inventory :) Edited for mobile keyboard mistakes
  20. Ill have to try it some more. Did they also remove "blow on embers" because that didnt come for me either. Sorry to threadjack, OP lol
  21. I tried that pose stick and it didnt do anything to the meat. Sat there for over a minute, how long do i need to wait for a change? It didnt even turn red like t was getting hot...
  22. I enjoy the way it is atm but then again i dont pvp and usually always play lone wolf. My current char on greenscream friendly server has been alive for probably 10 hours now. He has pretty good gear from what i can tell. Mountain pack, motorbike helmet, p1 pistol with mag, pistol grip shotgun with 25 rounds, fireaxe, hunter pants, holster for vest (would love to replace that at some point since i dont use my longhorn). Few water bottles and canteens and like 1 can of food. Not much food to be found out there it seems. Been trying my hardest to find garden lime to tan some hides to make a new vest. Rockin a poofy jacket for forever since ive not been lucky enough to find an m65 (or whatever its called). But yeah, if i could get cooking to work itd be great since i shot 2 cows and had tons of steak but wouldnt let me turn them in to cooked steaks... but i digress. So far this patch has been pretty sweet, just needs zombies lol
  23. cash81

    There ARE zombies in 0.58!

    Lots of cows running through polana. Even saw one go through a building (in one door, out the other)And they do "Moo". I was in the town when i heard it. And hoofs stomping around.
  24. cash81

    Coastal clam digging

    Were you scouting clam locations on gents of novo this afternoon? Or was it greenscreams? Lol