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Everything posted by SamFRM

  1. I am looking for some help with regards to my character being randomly wiped for the 5th time in the last 2 weeks since I purchased Day Z SA. I am new to the day and have done a bunch of reading up on this topic after the first few times my character is randomly wiped. I have a brand new computer and a fast, reliable internet so ping is not a issues. I am able to play without any issues at all other than the known alpha bugs. I log off properly and only play on the same official servers. I wait my time after server resets and do not/have not combat logged out. What happens is I will launch Day Z SA and it will load my character into the main menu, nothing will be out of the ordinary. I choose the same server I have been playing on and then load in. And thats when it happens. There are no strange messages during loading into the server and everything appears fine. But for some reason I will randomly become a new spawn and all my gear/progress is lost. I understand this game is in alpha and early release but this is getting old fast. What can I do to fix/avoid this? Thanks
  2. SamFRM

    Character Wipe Day Z SA 0.54

    Mmm. This was a public server that I was on too. Is there any way to know that a server has restarted before you join? And is there any way to get your character back?