Hey, we are still looking for some players to join our server. There is still plenty of space for you to build a base and a lot of vehicles that can be found on the map. It's easy for you to farm a lot of money at the beginning as there are only a few players on the server. We have active and qualified admins who are going to help you, so don't hesitate to ask for help. The server will be restarted every 3 hours (00:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00). Scripts: - coins - banking system - snap pro - vector build - AI missions - self bloodbag - group management - trader safezones - AI base on Skalisty Island - auto refuel, re-ammo - tow - lift - spawn select - weapon customization - hemp fields - transfer money - vehicle key locator - plot management/plot4life NEW - door management NEW Addons: - custom loot table - BTRs and LAVs can be bought at hero and bandit trader - custom chernarus map - weekly events - no weight system Hope to see you guys around! Server IP: If the Server is not showing up as online in DayZ Commander try to use 2303 as port number or use the search function!( Or create a custom bat file to connect on our Server)