In recent month it has become a serious problem. There are really Lots and Lots of publics, that has whitelists. All of them can't be reported! Hosters doesn't do anything with abuses. Hosters need money, players want whitelisted pubs. So servers with whitelist are working now without any sanctions. So unlimited kicks are used to create whitelists in public servers with safe-looting! Why developers don't want to fix this abuse by limiting count of kicks per hour? Or give to public server admins limited black-lists (by total bans-count and bans per hour) instead of unlimited kicks. Why there aren't any centralising server-report system with tracking count of reports by server? There are lots of ways to fix this abuse in server-side. Why developers ignore this trouble? Some players wants to play safely on pubs. Ok, why developers can't make another server type: whitelisted pub, that can be filtred like a private servers, and cost of this server per slot in month will be 2x-5x bigger than private hive with shard?