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About Octavi4n

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    On the Coast
  1. Octavi4n

    Horses in DayZ Standalone

    To me it seems like horses are necessary. In real life - pre automobile, we only had horses for transport across land (putting aside trains)other than walking. It seems logical that in a post modern civilization scenario, that horses would become the main mode of transportation again. I don't think Day Z should add dozens of horses to the game, but how cool would it be to run in a group of people who are all on horseback.
  2. Octavi4n

    Horses and Bikes !

    I think a group of people (bandits or not) riding together would be awesome. Imagine riding into Berezino to get supplies. I think a survival game (or real life) would not be complete without horses. Day Z mod has way too much technology, and because of that it doesn't seem anything like a realistic survival game. If a real breakdown in civilization happened, we would be out of power and gasoline in no time. Back to the old dayz baby! Horses can eat hay and grass, just like real life. It makes complete sense to have horses.