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About bluedevil

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  1. bluedevil

    US 1234

    Number one rule of DayZ is to not get attached to your gear. But anyway, no, teleporting does not show up on the logs, that's why hacking is such a problem right now. And also, could you explain the following; Thermal? AS50 thermal? What?
  2. You can use the server filter in Arma to search for specific servers. The search will also be saved for the next time you start the game.
  3. bluedevil

    US 1234

    You were banned because you were seen teleporting. Since there was hacked AS50's(with thermal) in the tent by you, which is really suspicious, I don't think you would have needed stuff from a barn and there was a guy looking at you the whole time. We are currently sorting through the logs nontheless.
  4. bluedevil

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Big props to FrankTheDuck, !GuN! Frankie, really saved my ass.
  5. bluedevil

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Just linking my thread here in case if some of the medics only read this thread :P http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41562-request-for-medic-north-west-region/
  6. Lying unconscious, bleeding, starving and at about 1500 blood in the North West region. Requesting medical assistance. Location info will be given to anyone kind enough to take it upon themselves to save my ass, thanks in advance.
  7. bluedevil

    Tents Making Items Disappear

    Putting stuff into full containers like backpacks and tents will make them disappear.
  8. bluedevil

    Ghillie Suit Crash

    So I found this Ghillie suit in Cherno, I equip it and I crash. When I get back in the Ghillie suit is replaced by civilian clothing in my inventory and I am not wearing it. I tried equipping the civilian clothes again to see if it would appear then, but no luck. Has this happened to anyone before? I know that the DayZ team do not do the character restoration stuff anymore, but it's quite annoying so was wondering if anyone knows the cause of it.
  9. bluedevil

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    People play 3DP because its safer and theyre far too attached to their items. No one has ever given any other reason why they play in 3DP other than "I can see around corners and over walls" Remove 3DP. I play In 3rd person View because The Frikkin First person Head Bob Makes me Sea sick, Its one thing when your RUN RL and your head moves, its another when its a screen shaking for 1hrs of travel time with your eyes fixated on a screen... As long theres crazy head bobing, i wont force myself to Run in First person You can turn off headbob, it's in the options. When I first loaded Arma 2/Day Z I ran for literally 1 second before stopping to turn it off. Still bobing a little when you run, which I can't really handle.
  10. bluedevil

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Does this fix the random dropping on items on looting? And spawning in the debug zones? And being invisible in 3DP?
  11. Stuck in debug forest. Can't move or respawn. Tried everything I could think of.