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About Harmony

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  1. My favorite OST from the game is Rusty fence FT Ocean waves
  2. Harmony

    Side by Side error when starting game.

    I would appreciate if the mods would not move this topic, just because no one looks at the troubleshooting section. :) Anyway, I never have any problems with my DayZ, but a few hours ago after running the game perfectly (except for frameskips lol) I get this error when I start up my game http://i.gyazo.com/3d875c361de202cb534b2a91adfe3dd3.png Then after you I ok I get this http://i.gyazo.com/4deed227dc752280fe6f7b27978f68a4.png I have done everything from uninstalling then reinstalling DayZ, .NET, and C++. Then after checking the DayZ tab there is some new news on 0.55. So should I be worried about this or should I just wait until tomorrow and maybe my game would work? If anyone else has this problem feel free to say what you did and if it worked for you or not.
  3. Harmony

    Side by Side error when starting game.

    Will this be fixed when 0.55 is released? almost broke my computer trying to find a solution for this and I really don't want to do this stupid workaround.
  4. All I find in hospitals are those shitty thermometers.
  5. Harmony

    60 shots with M4 without touching the magazine?

    Yea It just shoots the full 60, but I honestly don't care because the whole mag switching is glitched so I don't even bother hitting 'F' when the icon pops up
  6. Harmony

    Next DayZ Sale?

    A few of my friends want to get DayZ, but unfortunately it is too much for them, I am not complaining because I bought DayZ for $30 in the winter sale. But when do you think DayZ will come on sale again? I heard that in the summer sale dayz was like 75% off. Thanks
  7. I was editing my DayZ CFG File and I started it up and I am happy with my results, but my screen is really blurry, can someone please tell me what is causing this? here is a picture in-game http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/31862275658428977/92C5683B21309D0567C862D17B8940EAD893155A/ This is the website where I got my settings from. http://opendayz.net/threads/dayz-performance-increase.17704/
  8. I have my cfg file messed up and I would like to know how to 'Reset' it. Do I delete it, then run DayZ or Something? HELP
  9. I heard that 0.55 has been implemented into the experimental branches, and I have to ask. Is the new render implemented? I cannot wait until I can actually get upwards of 30 FPS instead of getting 7 FPS in towns like Zeleno and Cherno. :) EDIT: I am fully geared out, but I wanted to see some of the new features in 0.55. If I update my DayZ to 0.55, will I lose all of my stuff or will I still have it when I go back to 0.54. Please Help.
  10. Harmony

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    That never happens to me, It legit sounds like you are being bullied. So find a new server or something. Yeah people can be dicks but what are you to expect when playing an online game that millions have.
  11. Harmony

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    I was explaining why zombies shouldn't climb ladders, cause I don't want them to and you want them to :/
  12. Harmony

    MP5 least practical weapon in game?

    Yeah haha I had an MP5 with all the attachments with my group and I saw this guy and I opened fire while he was standing still and I only knocked him out. He later had a friend that shot us lol
  13. Harmony

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    That is legit stupid as hell, I would be down for that to be a feature. But they don't get up at all, just fall off. They wouldn't have the necessary brain function. and before you say "OH THIS ISN'T A VIRUS THIS JUST MAKES THEM ANGRY NOT ZOMBIES" If that was the case they would not run and walk around like idiots, they would also punch instead of doing the awful swing instead. Its funny cause I am legit camping on top of the NW Airfield Firestation right now. huehuehehue
  14. Harmony

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    Thanks for responding dev, after reading every reply. I can see where you all are coming from. Also dev can you guys please add more sound options. Like V3S Sounds, Bullet Sounds, MOSQUITO AND INSECT Sound Sliders? Just so we can balance things out for ourselves. :)
  15. Harmony

    0.55 Update...?

    The server that I go on is having an issue, I contacted an admin and he said the server is updating and stuff, I asked him if it was 0.55 and he said maybe. Is anyone having a similar issue?