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About KewDok

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Just wondering. In the wiki it says in the beach, is going there, or using a pickaxe the only way to get stones for sharpening my blades?
  2. I believe a helmet is more important than before when being attacked by Z's. After donning one I have survived two and three attacking me with little healing to do afterwards. During the attack my pants, helmet and vest was damaged, telling me they hit all over. Plate carrier and helmet is maybe the way to go for people chancing running around in cities... :)
  3. Ok, maybe they are a little OP. Got killed in 5 seconds in full gear, while at the same time my three hits with a fire axe had no effect. It was fun, and I will never ever try to kill one without a gun again. :P
  4. I really like them as well. I am now scared shitless when running around a city using my binoculars to scout how many of them are around. I used to only be scared of players, Not any more! Loot distribution seems to be a little off though, Ran to the western military camp to stock up on ammo after killing many Z's and there was nothing, absolutely no bullets except two spawns of Winchester ammo. Found quite a bit of civilian loot though, and I hear military loot spawns all over the map now. So now it is back to running all over the map to find stuff, and not just around barracks and military camps...
  5. KewDok

    0.54 Issues

    It was only when the upgrade to 0.54 was done the attachments disappeared. The names were changed in the database. Any new attachments you find after 0.54 will have the new name and not disappear.
  6. KewDok

    0.54 Issues

    In my experience the game seems to be a bit smoother, as a few others have reported. I did experience invisible zombies on a server, that ruined my jacket. (Damn it was scary to only have the zombie sounds running after you!) :P After the server restarted the zombies were back to normal. I have 32 GB of RAM and GTX 570's in SLI OC'd to 910 MHz and I7 3770K OC to 4500 MHz. My RAM might be why I have few problems, though....