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Everything posted by oppdelta

  1. oppdelta

    Admin vote abuse

    Made the vote percentage 100%. So if you're on the server and it happens, just don't vote or vote no and they wont be able to sway the vote in their favor. ~OPPDelta
  2. Just checked, found it in the exact spot in the screenshot above, broken. Looks like Skalisty Island is the spawn! Or at least, 1 of the spawns.
  3. I'm not bothered. Got my vehicle. Just saying. It'll be like newbs on Battlefield 3 who are new and don't know how to fly (or griefers). They'll get in and flip it or smash it into the ground when they land. BAM! Then people have to wait days upon days for it to re-spawn. But not even the clan members would know that it has already been taken or crashed.
  4. I think a clan who would use the chopper for actual means and spend the time organising to repair one should get it...if a random player spawns in sees the chopper, they're either going to A: Crash it instantly, or pretty quickly B: Purposefully destroy it, so no one else gets it. C: Take it and hide it and never return to the server...except to save it every 6 days, so it doesn't despawn...
  5. NOTHING! =D That's it...literally... Oki, maybe you can kick people that are very disruptive, but without global/side channel, that wont happen. Sooooo~ you'll be giving money away for...nothing... I've been an admin on the server I play on for a month now, never needed to kick anyone...let alone ban. Welcome to being a DayZ admin...where you pay up to like £50 a month for a server you don't have any control over, accept turning it off and on again...
  6. MOOOOOOOST likely admins trying to find choppers and haven't realised that they wont spawn until 34 hours from now...
  7. oppdelta

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Just run into a pack of zombies, or get your legs broken...then you can respawn...
  8. oppdelta

    Helicopters in the game?

    So they are. Thank you for pointing it out!
  9. oppdelta

    Helicopters in the game?

    When we bought the server. It was setup within the hour. All the vehicles had spawned. We had a bus and were driving through the main cities finding vehicles left right and center, we couldn't get them all...
  10. oppdelta

    Helicopters in the game?

    Updated perfectly fine to Server is running it, we're all running it. Logged in. Got that new loading picture with "DayZ" lettering.
  11. oppdelta

    Helicopters in the game?

    It's been 30 minutes...all of our other vehicles have spawned in.
  12. oppdelta

    Helicopters in the game?

    Me and 6 other friends are at every spawn point...on a freshly restarted, updated server...no choppers...
  13. oppdelta

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    So...choppers aren't spawning? Got 7 friends on all at the chopper spawns around the map...updated, started server. Logged in...nothing.
  14. Welcome to DayZ, you must be new here.
  15. So, after watching a few steps on how an admin would report a cheater on the server. I stumbled on something. Multiplay servers don't have the scripts.log...at all...I contacted the support and nowhere on the servers is there a scripts.log... So um, yeah...what now?
  16. Of course. It's enabled by default since it was the first thing I went to enable in the configs when we got the server. I've sent a ticket into MP. See what they say.
  17. oppdelta

    3rd person is MORE realistic.

    I think you need to do some research on FOV in games. True, our eyes can see up to around 170 degress, including the peripheral. But if you're staring at a monitor. Your brain doesn't know the difference. All it knows is, there should be more in it's view. Having a FOV below 65 for most on a PC produces eye strain and headaches because our brain knows there should be more to see, but there isn't. Increasing the FOV in a game tricks the brain into thinking its seeing more around the character. Going into 3rd person doesn't actually change your FOV in game (As far as I'm aware.) It just moves your camera to the back of your neck, instead of your eyes. I'm staring at my monitor now as I type this and I can see my bedroom door, which is about 80 degrees to my right. The white glow/blurryness of it in my peripheral vision. Your brain is used to seeing these things in the corner of your eye, and having a game that's zoomed into 60 FOV makes the brain go crazy. So if the FOV increases in game. Your brain then starts to feel more comfortable. Since you're so close to the monitor, your focal point of your eyes are focused o---y'know what. Video...
  18. oppdelta

    3rd person is MORE realistic.

    You could just, y'know, increase your FOV. "+ & -" numpad keys...
  19. We've just updated to that. I will start up the server and see what it does. EDIT: Nope. Still no scripts.log
  20. I spoke with the live support and he went into the battleye folder and there was no scripts.log in there. It's not that they're restricting it, it's physically not there...
  21. oppdelta

    Funniest Moments On DayZ, GO!

    When a player ran into the path of a grenade a friend threw to scare them.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iGTitWoq2E
  22. To Nallrax...we were not expecting you to run out the hospital...haha. Probably going to get some hate for this video. But it was a fun moment for us. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iGTitWoq2E
  23. We were pretty shocked that it killed them...she ran into the path of it >.< And no. It's the big tower at the industrial site at the back of cherno. The town hall would of been 90 degrees to my right.
  24. Seriously! After playing for nearly 2 months I've visited military bases at least 70 times by now. Even on restarted servers to get fresh loot spawns. As well as at least 10 crashed helis. Even the player kill count of around 30 and never found one NVG... I've found nearly 12 vehicles...which I thought were as rare since everyone hogs them. Am I doing something wrong here or am I just the unluckiest person for finding them?