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Everything posted by oppdelta

  1. oppdelta

    Bear Traps : Do they exist?

    Found 1 a couple days ago. Might have some fun tonight....
  2. oppdelta

    How rare are NVGs?

    The server I play on restarts around 10pm GMT. By that time it's pitch black and noone wants to play on it. So it's usually me and 4 other friends in a freshly restarted server roaming the map finding newly spawned helis and loot at all the military bases and airfields. I think it's just pure chance we haven't encountered NVGs yet...even with the rarity. After all these raids and time...we should of at least found 1 by now...And I don't feel like jumping on 30 different servers at NW airfield to find them.
  3. Me and a couple other friends decided to play the trust game. I'd be sniping zeds on the roof of the town hall in elektro and the other 2 were mindlessly shootIng the zeds my sniping attracted. This was at night and we lit the town up with flares. The hope was the bring in players to see the Rukis and we could befriend them, or shoot them if they fired at us. Not much happened, but it was a nice idea that I think we'll be trying again.
  4. oppdelta

    Vehicle count per server?

    Our group has: 1 UAZ, bus, ural civilian, atv, minivan, tractor and did have a military offroad before the patch despawned it and I saw a bus and another AtV that we didnt own bombing it through cherno one day, and a motor bike. Even a couple pedal bikes. With that, there's still the pickup trucks, at least 2 that I know of. 3 tractors altogether. 2 uavs. And 4 ATVs. That's all I know of at the moment.
  5. I've only died once whilst unarmed and that was because I was stupid and went into a 1 entry/exit building with 10 zeds blocking the door as they gnawed at my shins. Just sprint fast, get into a supermarket or barn. Find weapon. Then run out. Simple.
  6. oppdelta

    whats with punishing bandits?

    I actually did an experiment to see how people react to an UNARMED person. I would spawn, raid the hospital for med supplies, then go around looking for players and offering medical assistance whilst unarmed. The first player I found was a newly spawned person who had nothing and ran away from me. Then I would start getting shot at near the beach as I went into town. The second person I met at elecktro, firestation. I climbed the ladder saying hi and clearly making myself visible to show I was unarmed and the guy started shooting at me with his ak74u. I backed away, hid in a corner and bandaged myself and stayed there for about a minute or 2. Then I thought I'd move on to find the next player. As I was moving back to the ladder he was there camping it and shot me on sight. So, 1 /COD kiddy/. I continued for a few hours, running from a couple people shooting at me and said hi to a couple others who moved on quickly. Met another person in cherno's construction site, "befriended" and raided places together. He had a hatchet I had a makarov. We were raiding the apartments then a bandit claiming to be friendly came up to us, said hi. Then started to open fire on my newly found hatchet friend who was scavenging around. He bled to death and I got shot in the head and died instantly. But I did find 1 person who actually needed a blood transfusion. Still my unarmed self. I gave him some blood, we spoke for a while, he said he probably might have shot me if he didn't need blood. Even met up with the "befriended" player again. So there was 3 of us running around and we looted ROG. Was a nice way to end the night. Sooo yeah...something needs to be done with bandits. Just people randomly killing, even unarmed players.
  7. oppdelta

    Multiplay gaming servers...Whats going on ?

    Ah yeah, thought so. We're just renting a normal server.
  8. oppdelta

    Multiplay gaming servers...Whats going on ?

    How do you get remote access for it? ... I've never heard of multiplay giving out remote access for their servers... EDIT: Is it a dedicated server, instead of a rented one?
  9. oppdelta

    Multiplay gaming servers...Whats going on ?

    By "complete access" what do you mean?
  10. oppdelta

    Multiplay gaming servers...Whats going on ?

    I'll be starting up the server in a few minutes. See how it handles for the night.
  11. oppdelta

    Military Offroads Missing in 1.7.2?

    They apparently take 7 days.
  12. oppdelta

    Military Offroads Missing in 1.7.2?

    Yea. Military off-roaders are defiantly gone. Ours despawned to. Even went back to green mountain to see if it respawned. No luck.
  13. oppdelta

    Military Off-road

    Me and a friend tested this. The DayZ 1.7.2 update has ruined Military offroads. We switched the server off for the night after saving all our vehicles. Waited 5 minutes before switching it off. Came back on the next day, after updating to 1.7.2, MOR had gone but all our other vehicles stayed. Lost a big load of medical supplies and general supplies.
  14. oppdelta

    Multiplay gaming servers...Whats going on ?

    Hey, admin of Acorn 01 here. I can feel for you. The 1.7.2 plaqued many servers with crashes and major desyncs. I was driving an ATV. Desyncd for a minute. Then ended up blowing up and almost bleeding out. Few minutes later the server crashed and i had to force restart it. When I came back in. I had rolled back by an hour! What is your ingame name? When we started the server up in the afternoon it crashed and timedout about 4 times. In the end we just switched it off for the night. It'll be back up around 3pm GMT. We do hope to leave it on 24/7 within a week or 2. But at the moment the major desyncs are a threat to it and we'd rather be online incase something happens. We hope you stay and make a perminant residence on the server. Come join us on the team speak maybe. I'll be on around 3pm for most of the night.