We found three helis next to eachother, took one and found an enemy one in the air. Proceeded to fly behind it, spraying it for a good 5-10 minutes, and then it crashed. If you really think I'm a bad gunner, you've never been a gunner while moving.
Yeah, it wasn't really a super serious session ^^ We did it for good fun and I was the only one with gear at the moment. We are much more serious when we're geared and are actually doing something important :) Yeah, he kept entering the car while bleeding and almost bled to death ^_^ Us driving him over was quite hilarious in all that action. More videos to come, including helicopter vs helicopter!
Hey guys, this video is from a streaming session me and a couple of friends had last night. Watch it all til' the end, it gets better. More stuff to come, and streaming almost every night. Stream: www.twitch.tv/jonnyenglishgaming