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Villa Straylight

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About Villa Straylight

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Low Earth Orbit
  1. Villa Straylight

    A possible fix to "thunderdome" like behavior

    If it was that easy, I would guess there would be a way to disable teleporting altogether.
  2. Not entirely true. If the other party disconnects after dying, from the you are dead screen, there is still a pretty good chance of the body disappearing... And even a small chance he will reconnect in fine shape elsewhere.
  3. Villa Straylight

    Detta Company is recruiting once more!

    Klaatu Barada Nikto.
  4. Villa Straylight

    WTF Was that?

    Why dont they just drop people like 5 feet? They would all get broken bones. That seems more troll-like to me.... Likely it will be fixed in the next ban wave.
  5. Villa Straylight

    Streamer on twitch.tv playing with hackers on UK 63

    Why do these people do this in dayz? I thought that this is what Arma is for??
  6. Villa Straylight

    Can't pick up my packed tent

    Is there anything else on the ground? I found that I had to pick up everything else, first. Backpacks seem to do this at times as well.
  7. Villa Straylight

    Creating Bandit Group

  8. You can also just use separate accounts in windows, then log each into your own steam accounts to play. That's what we do here (two computers, three players).
  9. Villa Straylight

    No city name on spawn + cfgweapons

    I believe that the location typing is something that can be turned "off" (made unviewable) at the server level. I run into this all the time on "hardcore" servers.
  10. Villa Straylight

    Ban Appeal

    NOT appealing.
  11. Yes, there are other posts... it's simple. You need a separate Steam account AND a separate Windows account for each player. You must be logged into both for each player to get them to work separately.
  12. Villa Straylight


    I'm not having any trouble. COmpared to what?
  13. Villa Straylight

    Logged in knocked out

    If you are about to log out, look to see if there is a white icon above your other icons on the right. If so, you are in shock, and if you log out then you will reconnect unconscious. http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Status_Effects
  14. The game has a steep learning curve. You'll get the hang of it.
  15. Villa Straylight


    Yes, I find that exceedingly strange. In arma, flashlights only function at night...