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About Cozzy

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  1. Yeah and especially if you are alone you can't drop your guard for a minute. In that respect it would be nice if there weren't random player sounds going on.. its really annoying.
  2. Cozzy

    I Found Your Stash!

    Found a military tent last night.. Now then, where to make my base..hmm
  3. Cozzy

    Server Hoppers Plus A Video On Peaches.

    Hmm.. Well its just simply game breaking in my view, just had a dude appear behind me in a room I'd already checked, drilled me with an AK. People magically teleporting not exactly good is it? Server hopping for gear also negatively affects what is lootable for others too. I wonder round military places and can't find anything.. Yep, An army of server hoppers has been through. This is by and large one of the biggest problems with DayZ imo and exposes a huge flaw in the games design. Needs addressing.
  4. Cozzy

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    So.. the game bugs out after a while.. seems like a memory leak. This week I've had hours of effort wiped through countless bugs (and thats all that kills me.. not players).. and so having been gearing up (YET AGAIN), getting attacked by zombie, game crashes.. load back in All progress gone (AGAIN). I'm really discouraged.. Might have to give it a break for a while, not much point in playing when its like this :(
  5. Cozzy

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    I'm not getting into a truck again until they've fixed the bug (When its parked clipping an object) where it kills you instantly when you open the door.. Lost a Ghillie suit to that :(
  6. Cozzy

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    Is it my imagination or has 0.54 resulted in an FPS drop?
  7. Hey thanks for the tip on server restarts etc. I've only done public servers so far. Why do you think private servers offer a better experience?
  8. In the latest incident I could have logged into the server as it was being or had just reset. Presumably that is something not to do? I still find the situation demonstrates a rather large flaw in how things work :(
  9. Just happened to me AGAIN.. Server went down, waited, loaded back in. Character wiped. You know all excuses aside this is terrible. Why am I wasting my time with this freaking game when bugs like this continue to persist? Its basic functionality that should simply work. Its over a year since the game was released to Alpha.. what the hell are the dev team doing?
  10. I keep experiencing this too and its highly discouraging. I don't mind dying for a legit reason but losing my stuff due to randcom server/character wipes is seriously lame. :(
  11. Cozzy

    Server Hoppers Plus A Video On Peaches.

    So been playing and enjoying DayZ for a while and not registered to post on the forums till now.. First post.. Hello all :) In my view one of the core problems with DayZ is the server hopping, and how people are 'gearing up'; which is a fundamental flaw in how things work. It's a tad immersion breaking to teleport to an alternate universe to source weapons hey... I'm all for unrelenting PvP with KOS and emergent psychos running amok (Hey, been one myself in game) but with server hopping what we have is people essentially cheating. Not gonna lie - I've done/do it, but what is the alternative? Its kinda hard to fight back with a toothpick whilst everyone else is kitted up like Arnie in commando - camping military installations. So there is absolutely no reason not to KOS, and with it interesting scenarios and gameplay situations are lost. Why? Well because if you are running low on ammo, rather than actually requiring to hold someone up, all you need to do is hop server - rinse and repeat. So unless the developers seriously address the issue, aquiring decent weapons needs to be a lot more accessible. For starters heli crash sites spawn locations should be much more widespread throughout the map rather than just in the central band. This would give fresher spawns a fighting chance, discourage server hopping and zone camping and create a much more interesting game dynamic.