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THEPete (DayZ)

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About THEPete (DayZ)

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  1. THEPete (DayZ)

    Stuck inside a walled room.

    Sounds like you DC'd to me. You can't survive a drop from an apartment building and 3 minutes of bleeding out lol
  2. THEPete (DayZ)

    Kicked from every server I join.

    Do you have the game on Steam?
  3. THEPete (DayZ)

    All Servers Have An Red X

    Sounds like you're missing the beta patch: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php
  4. Me and a friend were running north east from Kamyshovo towards the Topalka Dam when we hear a UH-1H flying above us. So we run and try and follow it, and a few seconds later we hear an explosion. It crashed and we run towards the smoke - by this point we're on the opposite side of the road to the dam (closest to Kamyshovo) and we see someone VERY close to the road and approx 50 meters away from the crash running towards the downed helicopter. So we think it's maybe someone like us who heard the helicopter and the explosion. We are running towards the crash and are within about 30 meters away from it when we see a new UH-1H spawn and the propellers start spinning trying to take off. The guy across the road from us then gets in the gunner seat of the chopper and it takes off. As it takes off we shoot both the gunner and driver COUNTLESS times with our M4A1's in both burst mode and full auto - we see the blood coming out of them on impact of the bullets and as the helicopter takes off we see the stream of blood coming out underneath (they were obviously bleeding out) but they were invincible. We presume they are just spawning UH-1H's and when they run out of fuel they just abandon and spawn another. But the height in which they disembarked from the helicopter before the crash - they would not have survived. Time it happened: 15:58 GMT Server: LU40 Date: 17/07/12 Location: http://i48.tinypic.com/2qunbpw.png Name tags on the server are off, however surely an admin would be able to look at the logs and find the player ID's?
  5. THEPete (DayZ)

    NwO disconnecting before death video

    Make thread complaining about quitters Post video evidence... of teammates telling to each other to quit because they're getting "murdered" after a few die ??? Profit
  6. THEPete (DayZ)

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    Oh look... another power hungry admin.
  7. THEPete (DayZ) loot patterns

    I went into a barn last night and there were 4 hatchets on all 4 spawns -_- ... got wood?
  8. THEPete (DayZ)

    IMPORTANT: Central Server was Dropped

    Seen a few people joining my server and getting the Global ban error, good work.
  9. THEPete (DayZ)

    What Goes up...

    Hahaha this is amazing!