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Everything posted by DravenAlabaster

  1. So i left for a week to do some training, and i come back and dayz servers wont led me join in any games. I try to stay on firecock/CCG servers but none the less neither are letting me join.... As soon as i stat the game it goes directly into Wait for Host (it would stay like this for god knows how long and i got to get out of it by esc button to take me back to main menu) I opened up my dayzlauncher and its showing my Dayz file is corrupted. I verified it and downloaded the missing files.. but this is not fixing the problem. Every time i close the launcher and re open it, the files are corrupted again. Ive been re verifying it for the past day now, it will go into seeding mode and I have only seen it install once like 10 minutes ago, but like i said before as soon as i close the launcher it says files are corrupted yet again. This is so aggravating and its starting to piss me off. I have been looking around and trying to see who has the same problem, been trying to use their ways of fixing the problem but i am not getting anywhere. Help?
  2. DravenAlabaster

    Having trouble Launching Dayz Mod from DayzLauncher

    Ive tried, but the servers dont pop up or doing so i still fall into wait for host
  3. DravenAlabaster

    Having trouble Launching Dayz Mod from DayzLauncher

    the only thing i can probably think of doing now is deleting everything and buying everything all over can to change the keys and all. Ive already tried uninstalling everything then re installing it. So im wondering if its something along my files
  4. DravenAlabaster

    Having trouble Launching Dayz Mod from DayzLauncher

    Done that multiple times as well. Verified gaming files with everything and its not doing anything at all