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About elanel

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    stuff and thangs.

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    Been here and there. Done this and that. Put out a few fires. Stopped a few spats.
  1. elanel

    New to DayZ and PC

    As a Born Again Bambi (having left the game for a year and forgotten how to play it), usually when I spawn on the coast I head to the rowing boats on the shore and pick up a raincoat, boots and a hat. The raincoat is quite essential early on to keeping you dry, at least that's what I've learned. Focus on food, drink and rucksacks/storage. If you can get a weapon early on, that's great as well but you want to prevent dehydration and starvation, which can creep up fast if you're moving particularly long distances. I find I need to get away from the coastal towns as soon as possible because I'll just get shot by a sniper or someone armed to the teeth. Also, I don't want to get captured again and do humiliating things to survive, lol :). My degree of experience with countering precision players is weak so I am not attempting to compete with players who have a great deal more experience in this sort of PvP conflict, but I will learn and get better and hopefully change my approach as a result. But for now... Plan a route on dayZDB map and take the quieter route to those locations if you can (note: as I get more familiar with DayZ I find I use the map less and less). I mostly head North as soon as I can because it gives me more satisfaction to at least get out of the line of fire and into something of a survival pattern i.e. going from the smaller towns to smaller towns to pick up the odd supplies. I usually try and aim for a few small places first before heading into a larger area for medical supplies and firearms. I've had the most success in game using this approach. If I meet a player along the way I am friendly and usually at this point you're meeting friendlier players anyway, but always be on your guard. If I have an abundance of supplies I can barter with the player if they're hostile. Rice, Cereal & Water have saved my skin a few times. Anyway that's I how I play the game for now. To each their own.
  2. elanel

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Logged on in Pustoshka and walked straight out into the path of a zombie chasing a cow up the street and figured that was my excitement for the day. Then, still in Pustoshka, was looting the supermarket and spotted a gem right outside the main entrance, a V3S, with tyres and wheels and omgit'sav3s!! So I clambered in, started the engine, which was extremely loud (videos I've seen don't really convey how loud it sounds) and headed off on a roadtrip, looking to pick up players and see the world from a whole new perspective... until I got to Vybor... and crashed... into some scaffolding... and somehow got stuck in vehicle. Well thankfully a kind and helpful player shot at me (or the vehicle) and I managed to get out and make a dash for it, shouting over direct comms "This thing is possessed. Save yourself!" Rest of the day was spent wandering the fields, spying on players with my binos (not at all stalkery) and stocking up on supplies.
  3. elanel

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hey. Name's Matt, live in the UK. Bought DayZ SA a year or so ago, did about 50 hours on it and stopped for a bit. Drifted through other games and so on and then began watching YouTube vids of DayZ SA encounters and it rekindled my interest in the game so I started up again in the New Year. I've managed to get onto a private hive that seems low in traffic, which has allowed me to remember most of the mechanics of the game. Went several days without finding any kind of weapons then headed into a building site, just North West of Pustoshka and found a cache of weapons. Couldn't choose which ones to take, so my character's now carrying a mosin, with an SKS on his back, a sawn-off in his bag, a makarov, a machete and an axe. Probably means I'll break my leg next time I log on and die whilst being punched to death by a fresh spawn... Anyway I'm looking to "graduate" to something a little more exciting now. I consider myself a casual gamer with the weekends being my most active. Feel free to message me if you want. Steam name is 'elanel'. Did a big purge of friends from there last year, so looking to meet some new friendly folk. Cheers.