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Everything posted by kradarak

  1. kradarak

    Living off the Land

    Years ago, I enjoyed playing DayZ as a survival game and one of the fun aspects of playing it as a survival game was living purely off the land. The improvised bow was essential to this process as killing animals for pelts is extremely difficult with only a stone knife. Saving bones for bone arrows to take down bigger game like cows was just part of the grueling fun of the game. Ammo was always difficult to obtain and maintain and I simply loved it. One year, an update broke fishing, leather tanning and the bow and I quit playing for a couple years to play Minecraft and Generation Zero. I'm back now and I can't tell you how much I really enjoy the game, but I sadly miss having a bow to use for zombies and food alike. I know it would be an extreme disadvantage to play using only a bow and stone knife, but that's how I like to play, but I'd like to expand my suggestion by saying that I'd like to see snares and traps that do not rely on metal wire or tools other than a stone knife to craft. I feel like many players play this game as a deathmatch or PVP arena with survival aspects, but I play it as a survival game with PVP. Reinventing ways to stick a bullet in someone's skull is kinda boring in my opinion. More guns just doesn't interest me. More natural survival aspects do. In summary: Please bring back the improvised bow, and focus on adding survival aspects involving living off the land.
  2. kradarak

    Experimental Update 1.02.150958

    Is this that stupid feature where I see a shirtless zombie walking through the woods and he looks like he's glowing? Personal light should be taken out completely. It's no good.
  3. kradarak

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    Made some watchtowers, but when I dismantled one of them, then the stairs for any of the watchtowers quit working. I passsed through them like they weren't there. Maybe I'll try again.
  4. kradarak

    Hold F to put item in hands

    It's a minor feature, but a keeper I think. If you don't have anything in your hands, instead of putting it into inventory, I think it's perfectly reasonable to have an option to hold down F to place the item into my hands directly like you get when your inventory is full.
  5. kradarak

    Few Suggestions

    I remember the first time I played DayZ. After all the hours, months ago, I do. Strangely enough, I spawned in that fishing villiage in the North Eastern part. It was so dark, I was freaked out of my mind on how little I could see. I LOVED IT. I made it to one of the houses and found a few items, and i could hear a zombie somewhere...but it didn't sound excited, so I just kept creeping along. Eventually, I became aware of stats and that I was starting to die, so I ran down what I could see of a road, and died by a zombie I think. My first impressions were BEST GAME EVER!!! See, I'm a Dark Souls kinda guy. I like a very difficult and challenging game with some interaction. Not everyone survived the zombie apocalypse. 1. I would like night time to be more difficult like it used to be. This gray BS makes me wonder why there is a night time at all. I can understand seeing a bit on nights with the moon our or having phases of low light, but otherwise, it wasn't broken to begin with. I mean honestly, the only reason anyone should use items that light up is for decoration and to blind another player. What, you guys don't throw torches into a building to help blind players inside so that you can shoot them better? Oh, just me... Oops... 2. Zombies. We need zombies. We sometimes need hordes of them. Thinking of population density, realistically, there should be a whole bunch of Zombies everywhere. I want to be afraid to move around in fear that I'm going to actually die. It's why this game is a post-apocalyptic Arma PVP deathmatch right now. Without Zombies, IT is primarily a PVP game and secondarily a survival game. Items are plentiful to stay alive, and that means the biggest threat is other players... I had fun the first month playing by popping people in the head, but after a while, it gets really old. Loved running into a house, spinning around, taking a knee...2 seconds later, someone comes in, pop pop. Sucker... You will find that the default mode of play with a good survival game is team work and not pvp when the Zombies are BA enough to make ya think twice about running across town popping zombies. I don't care if items for survival are plentiful, but I need a threat big enough that makes me think twice about shooting recklessly at other players and makes me think twice on how I'm going to get those goods. Basically those are my suggestions. I'd like night to be difficult to see and hinder my ability to do my best, and I want zombies. I want a survival game that makes the challenge of it survival. Game seems too soft.
  6. kradarak


    This may sound funny, but I'm seeing all these chairs and benches everywhere... I'd think it would be neat to interact with things like this I see in this world.
  7. kradarak


    Well...not exactly. Sitting on them is more of what I was thinking...
  8. kradarak

    Disable Hotbar fadeout option in game menu

    I like that idea. I'm sure there's something we could edit in the config file, but it'd be nice if there was something in the menu to edit that.
  9. kradarak

    Craftable Crossbow bolts

    I would like to see craftable bolts. I don't believe the rubbish. You can make sharpened sticks that are straight for arrows, so you can definitely make bolts. They are long and straight pointed sticks...just add something for extra difficulty if it's needed. I don't really see the problem. You find a box of 308, you've got 20 shots...1 lil slot. With all the junk I carry around for cooking tasty animals to cook, I can get away with maybe 20 bolts. I mean, guns have a range advantage, and ammo advantage. Even if I go crazy and start crafting bolts, I have a longer reload time than you do, less range, and I won't get to fire half the shots you do. Mine won't attract zombies though or scare off the tasty animals...definitely should be craftable though.
  10. kradarak

    Loading Ammo

    I'm not 100% that this is a bug, so I figure a suggestion is an excellent way to start. If you're paranoid as I am in the jungle, I like to make sure I have maximum ammo in my gun at all times. If I were to shoot a few rounds from my mosin or my shotgun, why don't I have an option to add more ammo? I can understand that with clips, taking them out is what you have to do to get to the ammo, but with a mosin or mp-133, you just add more shells no matter how many you already have in there. When I try to add ammo, it says it's full. It's clearly not full. I'd like to see a way of adding ammo to certain guns without ejecting it. I have the whole routine down pretty well. Leave an empty space, eject, load ammo, combine. I also think it would fit the balance better with the guns that have clips as well. There is a reason those guns have clips and these don't. These aren't semi automatic/automatic guns. I think adding ammo should be an option for non-clipped guns.
  11. kradarak

    Loading Ammo

    Good point...
  12. kradarak

    The Last of Chernarus RP Whitelisted

  13. kradarak

    Ghillie Bag Wrap

    Well, I guess we have a differing of opinions. I think the ghillie suit taking up so much space in the mountain backpack is balanced enough. Besides, when I change into it, there are a number of places I can hide my backpack where nobody will find it already. This already exists in the game. I can enter a cluster of fir trees for example...2-3 of them, change into my ghillie. If I'm sure nobody seen me enter, I'm fine. Also, ghillies can be hot. I can crawl deeper into a pond, and change there. My bag is underwater and you cannot see it and there is no reasonable chance you'd go there looking for loot. So, it's not the feature of hiding the backpack I want. It's the chance of you maybe finding it I'd risk to place it in other locations that may be more opportune for me as an assassin. I'm giving up less concealment of my loot in exchange for not ANY placement, but a natural placement where I could normally hide myself in a ghillie suit. The fun part I think about setting placement is making sure I can find the bag after I'm done with whatever operation I'm on. LOL I can imagine me standing around like a noob trying to find my own bag...then *flash* black screen You are Dead. :)
  14. kradarak

    Ghillie Bag Wrap

    I'd like to kinda endorse this idea. Something like a ghillie tarp or ghillie wrap for a backpack would be ideal. Someone running around in a ghillie isn't going to wanna be loaded down, so they'd have to make a stash somehow so they can be mobile. So, a camo stash, a ghillie tarp big enough for a backpack or ghillie wrap all sound like good ideas. I would favor a ghillie tarp though...as this is actually a thing.
  15. kradarak

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    I like to do a couple different variations. I like co-op. A couple of guys and I have a camp on a server. We have 3 vehicles and like 4 tents. We plan on breaking it up to different camps on the server eventually. I like to play wolf pvp too. It sucks to be on a server that is strictly for co-op and I wave to someone, and say hi and all they can do is attack like we are doing pvp. I really don't know how to respond to it, so even before I'm dead, I just get up and get a soda or something, waiting to respawn. The game just doesn't have a feature to enforce co-op...so I don't hold it against the loser. It's not what I'm there for and I'm just not doing to participate. Then again, I do like pvp. It's sometimes easier to relax and shoot first and know that person isn't a threat anymore. I don't do regular pvp where you shoot at me and I shoot at you. I like to try to be quiet, sneak around and see you first...taking my time, then pow, you're dead and you have no idea who did it. I bet that kinda takes the fun outta it for them. I get popped every now and then. Just found out about that spinal thing. Zombie hits me once and I died after about 3 weeks with a guy...sucked...so now I have to make sure I kill off my guy every few weeks just to be sure. The only way I don't like is when I'm playing lone wolf and I take out one member of a party of like 3 guys. That sucks. 2 guys, no problem...I only have 1 surprise guy I didn't know about...and he's going to be fearful when he sees I took out his buddy and make the wrong decision. 3, that's 2 extra dudes stepping up, and they can overwhelm you quick.
  16. kradarak

    Auto Group Items

    Like, if I pick up a rock, and then another one. I think by default, they should group together in my inventory. Saves having to bring up my inventory to do so. I put both stones in the same pocket, but somehow they aren't grouped together. Doesn't make a bunch of sense if you're playing a game that allows grouping of objects that they don't auto group. Just my thoughts.
  17. kradarak


    Yeah, love getting a drink of water from a well or a pond and Mr. Z comes by and decides to give me a pat on the back....twice... In the mean time, I know it won't help, but I'm hitting every button, picking up my ps3 controller and hitting buttons on it hoping to get out of this sooner, but I don't...and it's a guaranteed blood loss cause I care more about drinking than a zombie I notice. I was thinking about it...drinking from a well or pond is a pretty involved process, but it's easy to stop cupping your hands and grab a weapon, I mean, like split second sort of thing. How about, instead of putting a Cancel action in for drinking water, once the action begins, treat it like a gesture. Any movement or action cancels it. It's totally fair too, because if noob-boy wants to look around, he's not going to use the alt key or 10-key pad, he's going to move around his mouse and not get the water, making it harder for him...and ultimately punishing himself for his paranoia...but for those of us who wanna whip out the axe of destiny and fertilize mother earth, I should just hit a button for axe, and another for standing and I'm ready to roll. Still I'm likely to get hit, but then I know it was my dumb**s that did it. Eating is a different story, you don't have to cup your hands or pay attention...it's solid...should be able to slowly walk and eat instead of crouching, but I don't really care about that. The drinking thing should definitely be like this though. Easy Peasy.
  18. kradarak


    LOL It was comedic. I was trying to show that I am in such a panic, I pick up electronics that don't even go with my computer to make it stop. LOL I also have my ps3 and the computer hooked unto the same HDTV. Love playing DayZ on an HDTV. :)
  19. kradarak

    Server Options

    I'm just throwing this out here, but why not have it as a server option to have the server coop, and I would like to see a higher difficulty setting for zombies. What about a zombie difficulty where they don't just rush and do this bowing motion to me? I don't know how this would be implemented, just throwing it out there.
  20. kradarak

    Zombie Loot

    Yeah, don't tell me that the process of becoming a zombie included emptying their pockets or destroying everything in them. Each zombie should have a little something on them worthwhile...if nothing else, and if you shotty them to death, you may have just have ruined it.
  21. kradarak

    Singleplayer mode on dayz?

    I would like to see a standalone storyline. If done, there will be others who would make mods and add-on type stories you could download too. That always happens.
  22. kradarak

    Show names or no?

    This seems like a potential gameplay style feature. How about instead of making it on or off permanently, we give people the option of identifying themselves like that with a name or not. Just put a checkbox in gameplay and if I want to show everyone who I am, then so be it. I think this should be a feature you can turn on for people on your Steam friend's list. I mean, who doesn't wanna see their friends? Yeah, robbers wanna see their friends too. So, maybe let the player have a checkbox that allows them to see everyone, let them have a checkbox to just identify themselves in that way for others to see, and/or have it on for steam friends.