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Everything posted by Icydead

  1. Experiencing the same problem. When I connect to DayZ, it starts to spike my connection, sometimes dc me from mumble, etc. As soon as I dc from dayz server, spikes stop. Im sure it wasnt happening before as I was playing dayz day and night for like a month
  2. Icydead

    Increase visibility range and reduce fog

    useless thread
  3. Icydead

    I turned to a Bandit?

    Yea and that is going to happen every time, sure. Its not like he just said he murdered 2 guys
  4. Icydead

    I turned to a Bandit?

    Everyone is a bandit. If you try not to be one, you are just naive. But to answer your question, yes you are a bandit now, its unavoidable.
  5. Icydead

    Patcher not working (1.62) From Arma2.com

    You dont need to launch beta now since the same version is official now.
  6. Icydead

    Patcher not working (1.62) From Arma2.com

    Hm. Steam updated my game few hours ago and its working fine, it says version 1.62.95248, which is the new patch. Since you have the steam version, try to verify integrity of game cache. Right click on Operation Arrowhead in steam window, then properities - local files - verify integrity of game cache. It will repair your game and it should be ok
  7. Icydead

    Patcher not working (1.62) From Arma2.com

    And what did you do that it reverted back ? Because I really dont understand how it can revert back
  8. Icydead

    Patcher not working (1.62) From Arma2.com

    nice answer, too bad it has nothing to do with his problem. You done what exactly ? And have you got steam or retail ? If you have steam version, it will update on its own. If you have retail, you have to download retail patch and update your game. Six updater dont update your game, so you are probably still on 1.60
  9. Icydead

    Graphix vanished!!!

    you walked out of the map, genius. go back
  10. Icydead

    Trading FN FAL<>DMR

    of course not
  11. Icydead

    Trading FN FAL<>DMR

    Why do you even bother with trade offers when I can just kill you and take your stuff ?
  12. prolly because you are me and you cant be me, sorry
  13. Icydead

    Are people dumb?

    double this and this
  14. Icydead


  15. Oh Arma2 is standing on its feet just fine. No, you are absurd. Its your fault you died, deal with it and stop trying to transform this mod into something else. What you posted is not a problem, sorry. In real life, zombie would proly eat your whole 12k blood face in 2 seconds and here you cry because you died from one hit, lol. Anyway, thank you for another ridiculous crybaby post for our podcast about these posts, maybe you will have your one minute of fame, when we laugh about it infront of the camera. I think zombies should actually have a chance to uninstall your whole game on one hit.
  16. Icydead

    Q: how can i join a friend

    join a server, tell your buddy the name of the server - ex. US 46, done.
  17. Icydead

    Micro Stutters

    No it doesnt, only placebo. Nevertheless you should update because 300 branch is offering many new features and increased performance and you can still set prerendered frames 8 through nvidia inspector.
  18. Icydead

    Micro Stutters

    I beg to differ; http://fishfoodblender.com/junk/armapreren.png From drivers 301.10 the prerendered frames are only 1 - 4. Its one of the changes made in 300 branch. You should update your drivers
  19. Icydead

    Micro Stutters

  20. Icydead

    Just got arma 2 and dayZ LFG

    yea thats fine but I though for chat you know, I didnt want to spam forum. I need to send you mumble server IP too
  21. Icydead

    Just got arma 2 and dayZ LFG

    ok, you got xfire or something or just skype ?
  22. Icydead

    Just got arma 2 and dayZ LFG

    we play on US servers mostly, because they havent got so big server side fps problems as EU servers has
  23. Icydead

    Just got arma 2 and dayZ LFG

    wow we are actually +2 GMT, 7:08pm here mumble is as easy to use as ventrilo, no problems