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Posts posted by Icydead

  1. It is avoidable. If you shoot someone who've just shot another person, or wounded you - you get not a "Murder" kill but a "Bandit" kill - so you do not become a bandit.

    Yea and that is going to happen every time, sure. Its not like he just said he murdered 2 guys

    • Like 1

  2. Hm. Steam updated my game few hours ago and its working fine, it says version 1.62.95248, which is the new patch. Since you have the steam version, try to verify integrity of game cache. Right click on Operation Arrowhead in steam window, then properities - local files - verify integrity of game cache. It will repair your game and it should be ok

    • Like 1

  3. Bohemia posted on their forums that patch 1.62 is not backwards compatible with 1.61 and 1.60. You may only play on servers that have updated to 1.62.

    nice answer, too bad it has nothing to do with his problem.

    So I've done as it said. I come to the Six Updater to launch DayZ. The game has loaded so I click Multiplayer and it says there's an Update avaliable again and yet again I cannot join ANY servers.

    Any help?

    You done what exactly ? And have you got steam or retail ? If you have steam version, it will update on its own. If you have retail, you have to download retail patch and update your game. Six updater dont update your game, so you are probably still on 1.60

    • Like 1

  4. Yes, most people are dumb.

    double this

    That's why I love the gaming community of DayZ because only the smart ones are able to successfully install it and join the game. It's like natural selection in biology... The weak ones die off and the dominant species prevail.

    and this

    • Like 1

  5. I've seen several youtube videos where people have some sort of indication on there screen which tells them how far a place is away - Like' date=' it will have an arrow on a certain part of the screen saying "400m" - Do I need a GPS/map to be able to do this?




    Yea, you need a map at least. Then you shift+click for waypoint

  6. try and fix something that's barely standing on its own feet anyways.

    Oh Arma2 is standing on its feet just fine.

    Yes zombies should be hard. But not insta killing a char with 8k blood. Thats too absurd.

    No, you are absurd. Its your fault you died, deal with it and stop trying to transform this mod into something else. What you posted is not a problem, sorry. In real life, zombie would proly eat your whole 12k blood face in 2 seconds and here you cry because you died from one hit, lol. Anyway, thank you for another ridiculous crybaby post for our podcast about these posts, maybe you will have your one minute of fame, when we laugh about it infront of the camera.

    I think zombies should actually have a chance to uninstall your whole game on one hit.

  7. Why would I want to update to a version that doesn't support a feature that makes Arma run perfectly?

    No it doesnt, only placebo. Nevertheless you should update because 300 branch is offering many new features and increased performance and you can still set prerendered frames 8 through nvidia inspector.

  8. Heres what i done to fix it:

    Nvidia Control panel' date=' select manage 3d settings, then program settings, Program to customise: Arma II (also do the same for Arma II OA), set the max pre-rendered frames to 8 (Max).

    Not sure if it'll work for you or if your card card can do that but it worked for me.


    There is no such thing as prerendered frames 8. Latest whql 301.42 and latest beta 304.48 got only values from 1 to 4.
