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Everything posted by protocol37

  1. protocol37

    Seattle 102 Admin Abuse

    We're calm. We just can not understand what went on. In the future please do not mess around with servers if you don't know what you're doing. You can shut down the server and start it up in test mode. However, I don't believe your explanation. Because there is discrepancies in what you say. You say that you are new to the game. Yet with every sentence you are showing more knowledge and experience than you say you have. You also say you have lost a lot of rare items because of servers restarting. This indicates you're playing this game a lot more than you say. I'm also going to petition Rocket for the removal of your server. Based on the omission that you play on that server with a bunch of your friends and who some of are also admins. This leaves abuse of admin privileges to open in my opinion and incidents like this are bound to happen. Specially incidents like the previous player you banned. Maybe you were right in banning him. But with the fact that you and your friends play on the server it leaves that person with a legitimate claim that he was unfairly treated based on the fact that you and your friends all play on the server you admin. Last I'm going to say on the matter.
  2. protocol37

    Seattle 102 Admin Abuse

    That's not ours. Unless the server was reset. But if it was reset and we lost it that way. What's the point in having anything or being able to save anything?
  3. protocol37

    Seattle 102 Admin Abuse

    Hey, To add to my Clan member's post. We found the car parked beside some trees just outside of Novy about 7am PST. We then used the car and put alot of items in it for the following 2 hours or so. We then took great pains to place the car in a well hidden place and in a total random yet desolate are which is well off any travelling way. Less than an hour later I logged on to check the car was ok, slightly paranoid and i guess wanted to stick my dong in the tailpipe cause it was that awesome, and I couldn't get on the server as it said it was locked. I hit it for another 15-20 mins and I finnaly got in. To see there was about 8 players on the server. And then to my fucking amazment the car was gone. Now we saved this car about 5 times each before we left and we made SURE it wouldn't be found unless it was a random find which, giving the amount on the server and the placement, was a small percentage. This is just very suspicious to us. And to read that the Admin and a group of his friends play on the server has made me even more suspicious. I do feel that Admins should not play with thier friends on the server they admin. IF it was a random chance find then so be it. But in all honesty that was a 1 in a million find and I find it very hard to believe. What I think happened was we found one of the admin's or the admin's friend's car. They locked the server and went looking for it and found it. Moved it and then removed the lock. Also, to the admin that is pulling loggs on this guy. All logs can be faked. I will also be making an inquiry about this on your Clan website. As I don't want to black ball you, your server and your clan just yet.
  4. protocol37

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I'm not sure if these issues have been posted. But I'm going to go ahead and post it just in case. Zeds walking through walls seemingly on every enterable building. Also, zeds can still hit through structures because of this, specially in airport towers. Where if you are up top on the tower walking around on the outside they can hit you if they are on the internal stairs. Zombies spawning to fast in small towns. I can understand the reason for this as I'm sure it would just make it easy to go into a town, given enough ammo, and round up all the zeds and headshot them. But if you are cornered in a building and you got about 5-10 zeds on you and you're shooting, the first three you kill respawn, hear your shots and come straight back in the builing. Not cool. Cars go to slow up hills which is kinda ridiculous. Also not being able to striaght run up a hill is a bit ridiculous too. Oh the major thing I have a gripe about is the, light dark light dark light dark light dark effect of looking up and down which has forced me into turning my brightness and gamma up even during the day. I understand the reason for the effect but atleast give us the option to disable it as it is not done very well. Thanx.
  5. protocol37

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Option one - I Survived the DayZ Alpha this one plx!
  6. protocol37

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Is it me? Or is the loot table borked again? Finding nothing but chemlights and empty cans....
  7. Woot!!!! [FIXED] Massive lag and desync on some servers (mostly caused by the invisible replicating magazines)
  8. Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Orange chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain Red chain -.-
  9. protocol37

    Chain of common Doom

    You must be new here. Obvious Troll is obvious...and boring tbh.... Sorry mate' date=' maybe this will help? Sounds like it could be your connection. Yawn....
  10. protocol37

    Chain of common Doom

    Obvious Troll is obvious...and boring tbh.... You must be new here.
  11. protocol37

    Chain of common Doom

    You're not much use to me alive are you?
  12. protocol37

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Hey Rocket? What about zombies bugging out in buildings? All day I've been running into groupings of 3-6 zombies in buildings and either dying because I don't see them until it's too late or not being able to go into the building at all. Please look into this. PS. I'm guessing it's because players are running into buildings while being swarmed and logging out.
  13. protocol37

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    As far as I can see. This is not a you're typical "FPS" game. And it was seemingly turining the way of a typical "FPS" game with the advent of players learning enough tactics and gaining enough experience to get to superior primary weapons quickly and engage in PVP. I think the intention of this game was for us to fear the enviroment more than other players and the added "scare factor" was to be when meeting an unknown player. This new patch intensifies the survival aspect of the game over the pvp aspect. Which I think is crucial to the over-all gameplay. The fear of dying, the fear of zombies/infected. The fear of starving, hyperthermia or dehydration sets this game apart from others. Lying in a airport tower with a DMR is nothing new and I feel bypasses what this game is really about. It's a mod and it will be buggy. Patches will always need to be hotfixed. But they are deffinately on to something here and I'm really enjoying it. Good luck in game. Neuromancer.