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Everything posted by exile166

  1. http://www.twitch.tv...661/b/324939005 Just random recording of terrible guy trying to kill me. starts @ 8:51
  2. exile166

    BEClient.dll please

    Thank you sir!
  3. exile166

    A journal?

    This might sound dumb to some. But I'd thank it'd be awesome to have a little journal on your self. People kill you, they can take your journal and read it blah blah. I think it would add a more realistic, personal touch. Be great to see what people would say too.
  4. exile166

    Hacker Srly ?

    Yeah, I was teleported from Podeda Dam to NW airfield into a mess of like 20 other survivors..thank god for ALT F4 Note. I was fixing a truck at the dam too >.>
  5. Yeah, I would like random encounters in less obvious places. Hopefully, itll be more like that with the actual release.
  6. Next time. Dont make so much noise by running around like a mad man shooting up zombies...then light up a campfire making shooting you even easier. Kthx.
  7. Imagine that, server is locked now.
  8. That's just annoyance, not humorous in any manner.
  9. Def a highlight of the game for me. I think I'll do this more, harass bandits that is.
  10. Hey! I started playing about 2 weeks ago. I love this game. This "community" is what will be the cause of this great mod to collapse. The way these Senior players act with some sense of entitlement is just disgusting. New people, chill the hell out. It just came out today, it will be fixed. Unless the dev gets disgusted by how much of a shitty fan base he has. Good day.
  11. exile166

    You're all pathetic

    Note: Never said anything bad about the Dev. I would stop after this one if i was him. But, thats just because I dont put up with peoples hostility. And yes, one post. Sorry about that. You just pretty much fit right into the "Senior" pricks.
  12. exile166

    You're all pathetic

    Yes sir. And thank you.