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Everything posted by Christoffer.s

  1. Christoffer.s

    1.25 Experimental Release

    I will say though so that you or the team don't get the wrong impression. I am very impressed what SA have become, I bought it at launch and this is a game that me and my squad always come back to, you lot have done a splendid work making it what it is today. But you know, if you don't speak your mind you also can't complain at a later point about something you might have had a chance to have a say in when it all went down.
  2. Christoffer.s

    1.25 Experimental Release

    That is good for everyone that don't own Livonia. I just bought it however, for both me and a friend. Don't mean to come of as ungrateful but I don't see the value of the soundtrack, thought I don't hesitate that it might be good, to weigh up for the cost of the newly bought DLC. Maybe some skins for a armband or a jacket or something, idk, it just feels like a the soundtrack that btw is to be found on YouTube isn't really the compensation I was hoping for. Out of interest I just checked recent reviews for Livonia and it seems that I am not the only one feeling this way.
  3. Christoffer.s

    A 2nd ghillie gun wrap model

    I suggest that when you put a gun on your back a second model for the gunwrap kicks in making the illusion that the wrap adhere to gravity and fall down instead of sticking forward. It might seem like a small issue until you have two guns with wrap and play on first person servers, you can't see anything, it's like wearing horse blinders.
  4. Christoffer.s


    Is there a way to force the game to take a + instead of a , between two keys? F.ex. I want to use Z + scroll to set zeroing but the keybinder in game automatically changes it to be either Z or scroll which you might imagine screw me over when using sights with the ability to change from iron/scope.
  5. Christoffer.s

    Help me

    Actually, this week there have circulated a possible fix for it on the DayzSA community facebook. I did not come up with this: "Copy paste" When the weapon you found has a bugged mag, not allowing you to take the mag out. 1. Place the bugged mag in your hotbar 2. Place the bugged weapon in your inventory 3. Hold the hotbar key that you placed the mag in (keep holding this key) 4. (While holding the hotbar key) Drop the weapon onto the ground 5. Look at the weapon on the ground, and you should be prompted to lift the mag 6. Lift mag, then lift the weapon ( which should no longer have a mag inside) ** Bug fixed**
  6. Christoffer.s

    Separation Anxiety

    There are so many memes that could fit your necro, misunderstanding and way of writing, I simply cannot choose one. Go ahead and google 1. "Holy necro batman", 2. "Wut head", 3. "what man" and choose one yourself.
  7. Christoffer.s

    im new

    Hard crowd, I can Invite you to my personal server if you can give me a reason why I would do so, Are you completely new, What do you expect and what do you want?
  8. Christoffer.s

    Inventory Tweak

    I would rather see this as a mod instead of having it implemented into the game, to be honest I think it would be to tedious and might actually cost them some players if they implemented it. The mod might also do so that you have to hit the pockets to actually destroy the items in those pockets, hitting ones shoulder and therefore ruin the items in the jacket pockets seems a tad silly.
  9. Christoffer.s


    However, this isnt real life and the vests in DayZ provides a lot of protection, he will most likely survive the shot and be a lot harder to kill if you dont take him out with the first one, therefore head. Nothing you can do with shot 2,3,4 etcetera so by all means go for chest but there is no reason to hurry with the first shot.
  10. Christoffer.s


    Learn to range, if you dont have a rangefinder than pick up a PSO-1 scope and use the range indicator from that one, if you can't find one of those then a map can show you distance in 100m squares if you zoom in on it. If you do find a rangefinder then make it into a habit of guessing the distance before you measure it, this way you will get good at guessing pretty fast. First shot is the most important, therefore range it and if possible wait until target is still, go for head. You can easily find a M70 in the castles around the map and if a hunting scope is not attached then you can find a scope at the camping areas, ammo is easy if you visit some of the military areas. Also, never wear bright colors (that will stick out), never lay in grass (it doesn't render at long distances), never be on top of a ridge (your silhouette is easy to spot), if inside a building than step back so your gun dont stick out of the window, always have a retreat route and reposition often or else they might pin you down, distance is your friend. Summer camp locations locations: https://dayz.gamepedia.com/Camping_Areas Castle locations: https://dayz.gamepedia.com/Castles
  11. Christoffer.s

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Took my Ada to the lumberyard at Myskhino to gather some planks, filled the car and my inventory and drove up the east hill again only to hit a tree stump (in the middle of the road) that broke everything from the seats forward on the car. I walked back (yes walked, full inventory of weapons and planks) to Novy Sobor where my base is and than logged off due to not being able to muster the power to get the rest from the car, it's my only car and that's a long hike. We will see if the rest of the stuff is in the car when I go for a run later this evening. God dangit..
  12. Christoffer.s

    Beginner's Information

    Up until yesterday it was true that the way to do it was to have the bullets on the hotbar and to hold that hotbar number while you had the gun in hand (not raised). After the last patch however they made it easier and freed up some hotbar slots by making it so that you only need to hold R to load the gun, if you click R you will unchamber/empty the gun one shell/cartridge. I know that another faulty info floating around is the changing of sights of scopes that have this feature, f.ex ATog and PSO-1, in the guide it says that you need to push / while the correct way is to scroll the mouse wheel while you have the gun raised. Dropping an item is holding G, throwing is clicking G. Empty a container (bottle, jerrycan) you just need to look at the ground while having it in the hand and then hold LMB. Also, remember that with the patch, cholera was introduced, you need to purify the water you drink.
  13. Christoffer.s

    Stable Update 1.05

    Can someone confirm that amphibian (MKII) is in the game, played 10h today looking for it and couldn't find one. Also, awesome patch! The movement is now up to date.
  14. wait what... Can we be punished for using mods that steam have agreed to be put up on their workshop to begin with?
  15. Christoffer.s

    Beginner's Information

    Most of the threads on this forum is from prelaunch, a split of pre/post launch would be a good idea. A lot of work though so i reckon this won't happen, but we need new stickies with accurate information. Anything in particular you were thinking about?
  16. Christoffer.s

    Might DL this again

    Evening lads and lasses For some reason I just binged Frankies old DayZ series (again) and that got me keen on the game again. Think it was almost two years since I last played. Now, I had some problems with this game in the past, I did not consider it finished enough for me to enjoy it and some of the design features in the game was to tedious for me, So, A couple of questions if you would like to help me decide if it's worth it. How is the game running? I have a I7 - 1080 - 32gb ram - SSD, I would consider that enough if the game was at least somewhat optimized. Do you still ruined everything in the jacket/vest/backpack with one killing chest shot? Is servers persistent, ergo: pitch a tent and it stays? (like for real this time) Have they stuck to the design with reloading that you need to go to the inventory, remove mag, load mag and then drag it onto the gun again? Have they managed to sort out the balance for the survival part? (one patch you could starve before you found a single thing to eat, another you puked all the time for overeating) I've just noticed, it doesn't say SA anywhere on this screen so I might be on the wrong forum.... Sigh, time will tell.
  17. Christoffer.s

    Idea with First person view

    This is something that is in several Arma 3 mods, it works perfectly. So much easier and more logical than to open your inventory.
  18. Christoffer.s

    Might DL this again

    I did download it on Friday and have played over 35h since, still on my first char. The reload is now much better, easy to swap and refill mags from the hotbar while still being SA. And yes, some patches have been horrendous survival wise, if you didn't break your leg on every single stair/rock then you failed to find food for over an hour, that was up to bugs and bad loot economy though. It's fine now it seems, only once during my 190km run have i encountered that my char bugged forward and hurt herself down a staircase. I love the new zombies, I love the new animations, I love the new graphics, I love the improved trails and I love the wolfs and the extra variable they introduce. Boar dont attack do they? I tried to get them aggravated but they just ran away if I started to pick them off, Would be fun if they defended themself. Sad to see that bows and other craftable items isn't inn atm, also, what is up with the heli spawns, I've been running up/down west ever since i started this life and I've managed to spot and loot one, keeping in mind that I actively search for them all the time it seems very rare. The last piece of equipment I need (want) is the LAR and it seems to only spawn on heli crashes, is this correct? I have 4 mags for it from runs at Tissy. Cant seem to find the reason why my char seems to get cholera from time to time, I drink from a canteen (pump) or eat fruit, do we now need to add chlorine tablets to pump water?
  19. At OP, 2013.. 2013... This is why i haven't bought an alpha since.
  20. Christoffer.s

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    So.... Been on and of with this for a looong time. Is there an ETA for this game yet?
  21. Christoffer.s

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Sigh, at least i was happy a while..
  22. Christoffer.s

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    YES YES YES! God ive been waiting for this
  23. Christoffer.s

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    So im now back in my country and the first thing i did was to dl dayz on my gaming rig "have been using laptop on the .54". Now have there been a character wipe since then because i can't seem to find mine =( Its all server side isn't it?
  24. Christoffer.s

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Sir, you should be a writer.
  25. Christoffer.s

    Discussion about weapon slots on your back

    The only problem i have with it is that there is no gunslings attached to them, i wouldn't mind to be able to carry two rifles on the back or two axes for that matter why now somebody would like to do that. And about that, i see that people have commented above "how silly" when it comes to two rifles on the back, now how is that silly? I can carry two rifles over my shoulders in real life, hell i can carry four rifles over my shoulders "i agree not really practical though". The axe/sword or other random melee weapons that is stuck to the back should instead be put on the outside of the backpack. And when we are at it with realism and all that, who in their right mind puts their tent inside their backpack or even worse run around with it in their hands? ofc tents should be able to be strapped to the outside of the bigger backpacks.