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About HedonismBot

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. I don't think it's an exploit but it does sort of ignore the whole point of the game. Personally it feels like the game is over once I have all the resources and gear I need. Then I just start taking stupid risks to inject some excitement into walking around empty forests.
  2. Has there been any word as to how long before the zombie movement is fixed? I can live with just about everything else but silly zombie dance they all do.
  3. So you have the best rifle, the best handgun and all the tools. You have piles and piles of food, soda, and meds stashed at several camp sites, and you've circumnavigated the entire map 100 times. What keeps you playing at that point? Once DayZ is finished will it be the addition of new maps that keep people playing?
  4. I've turned head bob off but when in first person mode, even when standing still, it looks like Michael J. Fox simulator. Constantly shaking like Mohamed Ali even with more than 10k blood.
  5. Is anyone else still experiencing this? Even with a zombie in a house, not only do they see me but they step right through the wall like it's not there. I thought I remembered reading a previous patch note saying that this had been fixed and just want to make sure everyone else is experiencing the same.
  6. If I have binoculars then I've already found some loot. I know about looking through the windows but you can't see all the houses from the outskirts. There's no avoiding getting closer to investigate houses that are blocked.
  7. Starting out is always such a pain unless you already know the map by landmarks. I spend literally 20 minutes holding down the W key, running through featureless woods looking for a sign of civilization. 9/10 times I come to a village consisting of a dozen or so small houses and shacks with 10-20 zombies (may as well be 1,000 with no weapon). On the RARE occasion I can crawl on my stomach and a Z does not magically see me through a wall or miraculously sense my presence, I spend the better part of an hour painfully crawling from pretend house to pretend house only to find they're nothing but boxes with facades painted on them. I know veterans don't have this problem as you probably know each settlement by sight, I know DayZ uses the existing Arma 2 map so it's those designers that made them, but can we get some random loot generated outside of these "houses" at least? Maybe some dead bodies that spawn with a few items? It seems when I do stumble upon a location where loot spawns it's a place I've already seen 10 times despite my very limited play experience. Basically it makes the world much smaller than it appears when there are so few places that are worth visiting.
  8. I had two cans of beans which i ate but I'm still at only about 700. I will try to stumble my way to the farm in the distance and hopefully luck out. I think i have everything i need to cook meat (minus the meat) but ive never done it before so best bet may be beans.
  9. I need someone else to give me blood right? I think we all know that's not going to happen in this game unless I arrange for someone to meet me in the same server and even then I'd have to know the person in IRL or I'm just getting killed for my stuff. My guy can't even see straight at the moment, in real life humans regenerate blood but is it safe to assume in this game once it's gone it's gone?
  10. HedonismBot

    Reporting this.....

    Dude lives in France. That's punishment enough.
  11. HedonismBot

    I paid $30 for this game

    You didn't pay a dime for this game. You paid for Arma 2 which is a finished product so go play that instead. This is a pre release alpha so cry me a river. No one cares about you or your nerd rage.
  12. I never played Arma 2 so had no idea this was just a map from that game that they dumped zombies into.
  13. Or even requiring tools to unboard houses or barricade yourself inside?
  14. HedonismBot

    Is it Still Possible to Evade Zeds?

    Yeah it's also still possible to agro them thru walls while crawling if you get too close. I'd imagine it's going to be a long road of baby steps before they behave with any discernible logic.
  15. HedonismBot

    My percieved issues

    Can anyone comment on whether the spastic zombie movement will ever be fixed? I asked earlier if this is ingrained in the Arma 2 engine and have not heard anything. It's not even about them being hard to hit, more about how stupid it looks.