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About djoprel

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. djoprel

    DayZ Corrupt

    Do I just have to input the launch parameter for playing Overpoch Taviana in the launch properties at steam then?
  2. djoprel

    DayZ Corrupt

    I couldn't find the servers I wanted to go on in Dayzlauncher though :/
  3. djoprel

    DayZ Corrupt

    I logged off a server a few days ago and when I came back my DayZ was suddenly corrupt. I tried repair but it gives me an error I tried reinstalling Arma 2, Arma 2 DayZ Mod and Arma 2 OA. Same result (manually removed files) I tried ipconfig /flushdns , didn't work. I hope you guys can help me, I searched a lot for people with the same problem but it looks like there are a lot of different kinds of this error.