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About dpye

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    On the Coast
  1. dpye

    Sporter.22 I got one :D

    With a 30 round mag these are fun as hell. Just remember, against a man one shot will do next to nothing, but fire 10 very quickly and they're dead. Doing so is actually strangely satisfying. I had a great one recently, I spawned in fresh, found nearest town Krasno, entered police station. On the first floor found a 30 round mag, on second floor a sporter. Put mag in sporter, turned around to see a man with a shotgun facing out of the door, turned towards me, I fired 10 or so shots, dude basically fell apart. Grabbed his pump-action, turned round, new dude runs towards me with an axe, shotgun blast to the chest, second guy equally dead as the first. Major win for the Sporter. Rule of thumb; It IS A GUN, sometimes it's better to have a gun, than to not have a gun. With a 30 round mag, it's a pretty hilarious and effective gun.