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Everything posted by fkelly72

  1. fkelly72


    My friend was KOS, and he graciously allowed our group to cut him up, cook him and feast upon his delicious steaks which we did. I decided to keep one of the steaks and after we met up with him again, I gave him back what I think was his left foot! He reluctantly ate his own steak, therefore proving that you can in fact eat yourself in this game!!! P.S. You can eat raw human steak but you will get sick. Try drinking until you throw up then eat a charcoal tab.
  2. fkelly72

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hi Folks. Haggis here. Me and my friends have been playing for a few months now and have accumulated way too much stuff! With the upcoming wipe of characters and gear, I'm willing to start giving stuff away. We normally play on Dayz UK 2-16 on evenings between 8pm and 11pm UK time. Let me know if there is anything specific you need (such as an SKS) and we can arrange to meet and greet... Also willing to trade items...