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Everything posted by QuiteDrifty

  1. QuiteDrifty

    Fantastic First Experience

    Hey guys, new here. Typically I just lurk around on forums, but I thought this was worth a share. Keep in mind, as this incident happened, I had about an hour under my belt. As of now I have two, so I would have acted a bit differently. ;) So I spawn in, right near Elektro (spelling?). Instantly hear guns firing and see zombies running. I make my way to the nearest building, and stumble upon some goodies. I found a rifle, a big backpack, a pipe, and a helmet. Gunshots were nearing closer, so I get out and run away, heading east along the coast, or north... I don't know the map at all. My buddy spawns in. His first time on. We set out to find each other, which turns out is ridiculously impossible without knowing anything. I told him I was going right down the road, so he went left. Figure we would run into each other eventually, right? Well I get hungry. So I stop in a house and start searching. Find nothing, and as I go to leave another player (my first player encounter!) walks in, looking like he just spawned. He freaks out, saying something like "whoa whoa whoa, don't shoot, don't shoot" (I forgot about my ammo-less gun on my back, I probably looked like I knew wtf I was doing). I tell him it's cool, I'm not trying to kill him. Just need help searching for my buddy. He starts out being really helpful. Telling me what towns are where, asking about landmarks my buddy sees. He explains a couple basics to navigating for a couple minutes. It was nice, definitely not something I expected in DayZ for my first encounter. Then the asshole starts punching me! He tells me he likes my SKS, and he's gonna take it. So I run outside of the house to get a better angle on him. He yells something like "Yeah you better start running fucker" so I turn around and pop him a couple times with my pipe til he dropped dead. I was bleeding, but the douchebag had rags on him. Bandaged myself up and went on my merry way. :D Still hungry, still had no idea where my friend was, but I was alive. Never trusting anyone again. tl:dr A noob beat the hell out of a vet.