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Everything posted by Mungaloid

  1. "You have been kicked from game" This message pops up about 3 seconds after joining any server, both private and main hive servers. I'm not banned that much is certain, as I fucking hate script-kiddies and hackers and would never be one myself. I can play vanillla and all other arma 2/oa/co mods online just fine, but just cannot connect in dayz without automatically being kicked. Anyone else ever have this issue, and if so any idea on how to go about solving it? Edit: The only other odd occurance I've had was about aweek ago I logged in after dying 2 days earlier to find myself in the middle of some town inland with a fal and a g17. Which I didnt have before as the last time I played I died and logged off. so I should have logged on into a newspawn character. I purposely got myself killed and started again, played for a few hours and havent been back till today with this you have been kick from game issue. Just figured I add that bit incase it has something to do with the issue.
  2. Ya its possible that theres has some kind of dupicate cdkey issue here. I thought maybe even if someone else has been using my cdkey that they could be a hacker and gotten banned on my cdkey. But doesn't there doesn't apper to be a global ban of my cdkey, otherwise I wouldn't be able to play arma 2 online at all, right? I can still play the vanilla and any other mods fine. I'm currently Enjoying the crap out of Invasion 1944, but I still want to play dayz inbetween when the few servers runnning I44 are empty. So I'm cleary not banned. I don't know what has happened or if this has happened with anyone else. If anyone else has had the same issue and managed to fix it. Basically I was looking for any quick fixes before I go all out on new installs of everything from the ground up.
  3. Just an idea that occured to me when thinking about the survival theme of this mod. Rocket said, that survival was his train of thought when developing this mod, and that the infected are basically just a set dressing, because he likes them, everyone is fimilar with them, and, they are an easy compeling means of delivering a situation of desperation. But the survival elements of the mod overall are very simplistic and and don't offer much depth or require much critical thinking and I certainly do not feel desperate. For myself at current, the hunger and thirst systems are more of a nusance then my primary objective. They are both very easily overcome and only seem to slow my progress while I look for a bigger gun. To me that doesn't offer that authenticity that this mod and eventually the full game is suppose to be leaning towards. So my suggetion is make food and drink a little more rare and, a bit more precious. But not to the point where it's stupidly impossible to find them. Just enough so that when I find a magazine for my favorite uber-gun but its sitting right beside can of beans that it becomes a dilema. Less animals aswell. That way when I find that wild boar in the woods, I feel excited that I have such luck and that I'm having good eats for awhile.(Not endangered species level just less of them less often.) Who's to say the infect wouldn't eat a goat or someones pet turtle. There are far more of them then there are of us and their numbers don't seem to be dimishing so they must be eating something other then hapless survivors. This is where rationing idea, and, authenticity come into effect. Slow down the hunger and thrist depletion levels a bit and maybe add negitive effects to higher levels of dehydration and starvation. Allow us to ration our food and drink into portions and only satiate us accordingly.(i.e. hunger gauge is red, I eat a quarter of my tin of beans and my gauge changes back to orange. I'm still hungry and maybe my gun sways slowy while I aim, but, atleast for now I'm not dying of hunger.) I find it a bit funny that it's the end of the world, I'm trying to survive but can't help myself from woofing down a whole can of beans when I'm only a little hungry and could be satisfied with a few mouthfuls. Or that I absolutely must chug my entire cantean when my mouth feels a bit dry. As for critical thinking, my example would be if a 'needs" system like this were in place would be. I have one full can of pop left and, I'm approching a town looking for more to drink. It's not guaranteed that I will find some here, but I am closing in on my limit with thirst. I'm so dehydrated that my sprint becomes limited or maybe my top running speed is decreased. (maybe both if my thirst is high enough.) I may have to run from infected but, I also might make it in and out of the town without any troubles and, possibly without more to drink. Do I chugg this whole thing cross my finger and prepare for the worst? Maybe drink half and sit down for a little while to save energy to slow my gauges? Or do I save my last can of mountian dew for later, walk in there as is with penalties to my movement because I'm nearly dying of thrist and, hope for the best? Lastly do I move on andwait it out till the gauge is almost empty, drink the can while on to the next town to face the same situation, but with nothing to drink? How I think it should work specifically is divide food and drink into 4 uses that each restore one tier of the thirst and hunger gauges with the options laid out in the right click menu, Drink 1/4, Drink 1/2, Drink 3/4, Drink all. Also divide the gauges into four tiers of severity. Green/Full bars = not hungry, Yellow/three bars=ok, but getting there, orange/two bars = minor penalties (gun sway/shorter sprint) Red/one bar severe penalties (Hunger shakes. growling stomach? farts?/lower running speed, tripping? fading blackouts maybe?) Black/empty = flies and looting. Makes killing for beans more rational and legitimate lol. TL;DR - make food, drink and, animals more rare -slow down the rate of thirst and hunger gauges -divide food and drink items into 4 portions and hunger/thirst meters into 4 degees of severity -add penalties to to higher levels of thirst and hunger to make food and drink more important -adds dilemas and critical thinking to survival (i.e. drink/eat some or all?, or hmmm. Beans or Bullets...?) - killing for Beans more legit instead of just lawls -zombies ate your pets I would like something like this, not sure how many others would. What do you guys think?
  4. My friend and I have begun our war on bandits, but we cant do it alone. Rocket has stated that if you don't like the rampant pvp and banditry that we must do something about it and police ourselves. While we cannot completely eliminate it, nor should we try to. We can however make it a whole lot more difficult for them. Our take on this, is to attempt to level the playing field. Basically this is achieved by simply Griefing the griefers. Searching for camps and packing as much of the gear that we dont want or need into the often camp provided bandit vehicles. Followed by running over the tents and driving the vehicles down to the southern beach. Saving and abanddoning these vehicles for any new spawns to use as they see fit and hopefully giving them a chance to fight back. Cut the bandit off from his stockpile of supplies and he's going to find it difficult to just lay on a hill outside of cherno, stary, electro, and NWAF right? The problem is that with there being only 2 of us we will never make much of a dent so we invite anyone who would like to help us in this quest to do so.We don't mean to team up and don't need to know you but if enough people are doing this it may just help...... Also yes this does indeed put our own camp at risk but it's better that our gear supplies a new spawn a means of defence, rather then just fueling more bandits as it currently will. The easiest way to identify bandit camps is vehicle hoarding. They may also be clan/group camps.... But many clans/groups are just organized bandits and griefers. keyword: "many" Also while some of the camps maybe legitimate survivors trying to stock up we apologize. Although look at it this way your gear may save the life of an honest survivor from the dick-in-ass coast camping bastards. For those that would say im "butthurt" from being killed by bandits. My current character has survived 15 days and we have only started doing this because of the complaints here in the forums. I'm not bragging and, do not have the best gear by any means but, I can see in the dark...and the bandit camps will provide what I need lol. We are doing this because we want to try and change things/feel like it. Our own story right? Those that would say this is just another form of griefing. YOUR RIGHT thats the point. But it's much better then shooting your face on the coastline because im bored/an asshole. Any attempts to rid our lands of blood thirsty idiots should be welcomed and are better then just crying about losing your precious makarovs/beans to them on the forums. Your camps will be found and robbed eventually anyways. What are you doing about it? TL;DR: Go find Bandit camps Take what you want/need. pack the rest of their crap into their vehicles and drive that shit to the coast and drop it off. A bandit without supplies cant camp a beach allday, and a new spawn with helicopter loot can shoot bandits back. Grief the griefers lol. TROLLS: Hey there anonymous internet dick tasters! I know you don't care what I think, keep in mind it's mutual. Go eat a bullet and remove youselves from the gene pool please. lol <---- Use this as a generic response to any and all wastes of: text, gifs, jpegs, etc., and time. Go fuck youselves. Thank you. .l.. ..l.
  5. Mungaloid

    What to do now?

    Either that if you want to be rid of your stuff post your server snd grid on these forums and watch the chaos unfold at your camp.
  6. Mungaloid

    What to do now?

    Be very sneak and reverse pick pocket some snipers drop some of your unused loot into their bags lol
  7. LOL fun for the whole family. Mystery solved thank you.
  8. No doubt but that does make the vagina resting on your face a bit of a problem right? I still don't get how your meant to fit it up your ass but then you did say your anus is kinda like a humidor right?
  9. See now that makes your previous post make more sense your not trolling your trying pick him up aren't ya lol
  10. Retire....Please.... Admitting to comfortably being able to stick a camera up your ass and being so practiced in doing so to recieved awards in an atempt to troll someone and then inviting them to take a stroll inside "your" anus. Yeah I call fail.
  11. Sigh... Ok.... first question is the vagina a part of his face? Or simply resting upon it? Because if it just resting... well that's kinda good for him right? Also How exactly does one shove a "vagina" up ones ass? I'm not trying to be a dick I'm looking for legitmate explaination here. Because I'm curious of the fucking mechanics involved with that one. lol
  12. Mungaloid

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    For realisms sake I disagree these guns could be aquired in real life but not it's very likely, and in game many of them are very rare loot spawns as they should be. But again it is a game and when you have a half finished mod with a population of almost a million players actively searching for these weapons and stock piling them in a glitched out storage system that respawns them at least once to twice daily, they become abundant in circulation fairly quicky. Just like any mmo all of the rare items become common after a month or two and the same thing is happening here. I think there needs to be more variety in fire arms. My opinion is to unlock the whole of the weapons available in arma 2 and its expansions minus the rocket launchers. If they did that looting would be even more interesting. Also with so many different type of weapons, if the tent dupe bug gets fixed ammo for each weapon would be more difficult to aquire. I think it would make people value their ammunition more knowing it's harder to find specific types, perhaps even use it as currency, or at the very least switch up weapons more often instead. It would make it more dificult to be glued to a sniperscope on a hill near the coast all day lol. I could be wrong though. It would likey just add to the many problems already encountered. lol
  13. Mungaloid

    G36 with silencer?

    Is everyone sure that it is hacked into the game? I just "borrowed" someones V3S and there was a G36 sd in the back. I haven't touched but myself but, it is still in the truck. Strange thing is my friend also found one in a truck a few days ago and another on a corpse. Has it been added into the game without us being told about it maybe? Is there a forum admin or development team memeber that would know more about this. That could maybe give us the definitive on the subject.
  14. Mungaloid

    Why did I spend $30 for this?

    You're pretty good.
  15. Mungaloid

    Duck off who claims to be saints here.

    Agreed, and I also did explain the situation to him (The O.P.) semi-constructively in my second post. I just hung around for the... I guess "lulz" of seeing how other people would insult him and call him out on hacking for any reason in the first place.
  16. Mungaloid

    Duck off who claims to be saints here.

    What do you do when a dog pulls on a leash? You "correct" him. Which is the action I took. Which lead to correcting him, and once finished he was corrected....and most likely insulted. The internet lacks the subtleties and emphasis of spoken words. It's all relative to comprehension and interpretation. Perhaps the general structure of the sentence would have lent itself more freely to using the past-tense but, both are acceptable. Hey look your learning. lol J/kless talky moar kilinz of teh ZombieZ?
  17. Mungaloid

    Can my laptop run DayZ?

    If you pass on everything but graphics. You should still give arma 2 free a go. If it runs, try setting everything to low, and adjust from there. I also found that the retail version seems to run smoother then the free version. Try to keep your resolution close to your displays native resolution, as it is important for seeing things at a distance. Disable AA and post processing for sure with an onboard chipset aswell. If it does indeed run give multi player a shot and join a coop domination server and try to hitch a ride in a chopper. If the game handles well while in the cities fighting with many players and A.I. , then day should run ok with a few hiccups. Although from expirence as my lappy (which is a joke for gaming) runs dayz pretty well just around 25-30 fps most of the time. arma2 is one of the few games that graphics fidelity can be really be a large advantage because of the long sight lines and long distance combat lower quality setting can sometimes imped your ability to spot enemies at a distance. There are a few tweaks for arma2's config files that can improve performance. Good luck and if it works good hunting and we'll all be shooting at you soon. lol. .
  18. Mungaloid

    Duck off who claims to be saints here.

    If I didn't understand, would I have correct him? I corrected him because the social norm of the internet allows such stupidity to exsist and does nothing to discourage it. If we turn a blind eye to it and say, "It's ok it's the internet." and with the internet now being the most common and primary source of most peoples pratice of using written words. How long before your kids and grand kids are too stupid to communicate verbally because English and all other Languages have been reduced to grunts, and develop a second pair of thumbs for texting L33t speaks and every other lame excuse for spelling. Does anyone remember a time when being called special ment possessing advanced skills rather then the lack of basic ones? Thank the education systems and lazy parents.Short response: Any and all degrees of stupidity piss me off.
  19. Mungaloid

    Duck off who claims to be saints here.

    More of scolding for being dumb. But I`ll explain my understanding of the process. If you are caught by the DayZ Hive or reported with proof and caught for any offence that is deemed bannable. The Hive notes your copy of CO which tracks your Cdkey and corrupts your character save which can not be loaded again. If you are unable to appeal the ban and have it revoked. This can be circumvented by purchasing a new copy of Arma 2 CO which permits you a new Cdkey and you can play once more. If you are caught by Battle eye anti-cheat software for any bannable offense, (i.e. scripts) It bans you by your IP address which mean you can purchase x numbers of Arma 2 CO and still be banned. If you have learnt your lesson that hacking in frustration and in general is stupid as fuck. I would suggest you take it up with the folks over at Battle eye. I don`t know the protocol or the process though because I have never had to deal with it myself. If you plan on returning to play the game legitimately. Then I Bid you good luck, otherwise fuck off hacker. ;)
  20. Mungaloid

    Duck off who claims to be saints here.

    I am glad that you wasted the money and are still banned. You have learned a valuable lesson. Which is dont be a cry baby hacking scumbag. Maybe in the future when a different game frustrates you, seeing as you are banned from this one. Instead of trying to download hackware you'll simply go and do something less retarded. Looks good on you. The last laugh is ours, shitbrick. Oh and for fuck sakes the word is "BOUGHT " not fucking "buyed" put down the games and learn to speak/read/write in fucking english. Sick of kids and especially adults that have poor grammar and shitty vocabulary because they were to fucking lazy in school to pay attention and then later became hacking cry babies because of their below average level of common sense and intelligence. I hax game, Now me banned wah wah waste money buyed new game still me banned, I didnts follow the rulez and cant playz nomoar QQ not fairs. LMAO You Fucking Hacking Scum Fuck, You will not be missed .l.. ..l. ROFL lolololololololol.
  21. Mungaloid

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    All in all this rampant mass murdering, hacking and, Alt+F4'ing is just an extention of the current mind set of most gamers. We see people exploiting any and all fair and unfair advantages in any game with multiplayer, camping, glitching, hacks, etc. Why would things be any different in DayZ. Sure the game has a few exploits, but it doesnt mean people have to use them. But like anything in life, if its available to be used for an advantage then it will be. Many but not all, Gamers that choose to not use what we view as cheap or unsavory tactics like exploits, evetually and often take the can't beat'em, join'em route after being screw by others out of legitimate gaming expirences enough times. It's only natural that these exploits are used like a feature so often because humans much like electricity always try to find the path of least resistance. So You can't blame them for being cheap, when it's natural to be like that. But at the same time you can blame them for not wanting to rely on their own skill and wanting a deeper and more rewarding expirence by earning their spoils legitimately, though most don't care. You can also blame the game for having the exploits in place but at the same time you can't when most of them are unforseen in development and/or haven't been addressed yet. when it comes to online gaming there is no win, win, scenerio. Ultimately thought when it comes right down to it, Sadly, You can always patch the game, but you'll never be able to patch the player.
  22. Mungaloid

    War on banditry!!! Join the fight!!!

    Depends on how you define a bandit when the world gone to shit everyone steals. I preceivce anyone who take things at gunpoint or by force and kills whomever, whenever for supplies and then stock them for future acts of aggression for personal gain or to kill for enjoyment is a bandit. A lone survivor or small group of survivors that happen upon a tent. Loot it the same way they would a loot spawn and generally leave the area shortly there after. Passively stealling to survive. If that same group stumbled upon a tent with the onwer present and kill him and then loot the tent, or lie in wait at the tent to ambush the onwer on return. Thats active banditry right there.
  23. Mungaloid

    War on banditry!!! Join the fight!!!

    sure it is the people need arms to fight a revolution,and seeing as everyone is allready shooting everyone for the most part. I'm not exactly going to ask survivors to go hunt people that part is up to them. if they wanted to killed people they already would be doing so. you cant fight a conventional war against the bandits so you have to go about it a different way, because anyone could be a bandit there is no specific, "here is you target go get destroy them"
  24. Mungaloid

    War on banditry!!! Join the fight!!!

    rob from rich give to the poor lol. maybe some of the hoarders will get pissed of and go bandit hunting because we robbed their shit. lol we stole it but its their fault go get'em.
  25. Mungaloid

    War on banditry!!! Join the fight!!!

    no i dont take the game very seriously i just feel that many have a problem with bandits and i would like to help them by changing things up a bit. Also Everyone playing this game is in the crosshairs of a bandit otherwise this wouldn't be worth doing in the slightest. plus i want the bandit to stay and spread out abit from the coast the mainland is mostly empty and theres plenty of people to hunt up here. If people can get off the coast more often the whole map would become more interesting. generally half the population of most servers are stuck at the beach and the rest of the map is huge and barren.obiviously the death toll on the coast isnt alll because of bandits but im sure its pretty significant with all the crying post on these forums. oh and we're game, hunt us all you like, were not at all against killing players if there a justifiable reason.