On the BIA Gaming Dayz Overpoch server we have a large staff of Admins on to provide constant support to our community. We also have server events every Wednesday and Saturday with great prizes. Every player who joins gets a FREE Briefcase just for joining AND a teleport to a trader city safe zone of their choice. Another perk we offer is that every player you refer to the server simply has to let one our Admins know you told them about it and we will give you one full brief for every referral. We will be adding a fourth trader city to the map shortly, it will also be a safe zone and will likely be located in Zelenogorsk. Our community is highly dedicated and overall consists of friendly players. We also have a public teamspeak that is free to use ( password- PLUTO5) and a great website with more information about the server and the server rules (http://www.biagaming.org). We are currently looking for streamers (sponsored twitch streamers will be advertised on the website and a box on the home page will display your stream while you are streaming). We have recently redone our mission script, added lifting and towing, created a completely custom loot table, lowered the zombie count, added plot for life, and reduced plot-pole prices. Loot now spawns faster and has more valuable and useful items (Increased building supply spawns, diversified weapon spawns, and decreased the spawn of highly common and useless weapons). Our server is not highly militarized so players do not have highly overpowered items preventing newcomers from establishing themselves. The BIAGaming Overpoch server can be found at ( Please have Epoch and Overwatch 0.2.5 installed. This is easily done with DayzCommander (http://www.dayzcommander.com) or DayzLauncher (http://dayzlauncher.com). Thank you for your time, we hope you enjoy playing on the BIAGaming Overpoch server.