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Everything posted by Golgotha

  1. Golgotha

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    YES. Why not? As long as it's easy to implement.
  2. He may have edited the original post, but it said at the top about hitting through walls. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13032
  3. Golgotha

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Love the new features. Thanks for hotfix! Now go rest.
  4. The lack of interior raycasting was mentioned in the patch notes.
  5. Golgotha

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Awesome. Love the new difficulty so far!
  6. Hasn't it always been appealing to the hardcore crowd...? Apparently Dayz has had quest compasses, regenerating health, cover systems and no friendly-fire up until this patch. At least this is how it seems by reaction to it.
  7. No, it's obviously for people who enjoy it for what it is.
  8. There will always be PvP, and I believe your post makes my point. It doesn't force anyone out of banditry and it neither forces anyone to group up. For the average player no in a set group the increased Zed danger only makes grouping less of a danger relative to going it alone. It's the perfect balance. Before this patch Zeds were only an annoyance or a noise a trap for bandits. Now they can be seen as a legitimate threat for everyone.
  9. Golgotha

    1.7.1 in 20 words or less

    Great step in the right direction. Just needs bug fixes and polish.
  10. Golgotha

    Hardcore fanboys Vs General gamers

    This should just be renamed "The Strawman Thread", as that's what near every other post boils down to.
  11. Great features from this version: 1. Ideas behind the majority of the changes/additions. The current implementations can use tweaks, but that's the point of an alpha. 2. No starting gun is fantastic. With more time invested in even getting low-end gear gives more attachment to each spawn, likely limiting the freshly spawned kamikazes. 3. Buffing of Zeds coupled with no starting weapon also lends itself to more coop action, especially from what was before normally PvP zones -- spawn locations. 4. Buffs to Zeds' sight and ability will also give pause to camping town snipers who are there only to grief, essentially (I have no problems with looting bandits). 5. Fixes for through-the-walls Zeds in place once raycasting is fixed (can't expect everything in one roll out). 6. Line of Sight was a much needed function to keep tensions high but not outstrip the ability of skilled or well thought out and planned players/teams. Things that aren't so hot: 1. Glitches like Zed spawn, FPS, etc. All are, as I'm aware, already pointed out and likely to be hotfixed. (this is Alpha, obviously) 2. The "heartbeat of humanity" feature. Without a way to properly convey "reading a situation" or that gut instinct, this is one of the better ways to implement it, but it still feels.. off. I really believe this patch, while flawed in many ways, is the best evolutionary step for Dayz as it's swinging the favor back towards the Zeds in regards to level of danger for the average player. It's an unforced way to encourage more cooping between players without resorting to hand-holding, in fact it's the exact opposite as the game is even more unforgiving. It has been stated numerous times that prior to this patch that fellow players were really the only danger to a character, outside of glitches. The age old story of an even more powerful enemy bringing together previous adversaries rings true with a buff to the Zeds. This is a very good start to get to that point.
  12. Wrong people = not me That's everyone's perspective, unfortunately. Rocket should listen to himself and only take in the ideas he agrees with.