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Everything posted by DelBoyJamie

  1. As I put in the title I purchased ARMA 2 Complete in steam and downloaded the DayZMod be so looking forward to playing this. I'm new to PC gaming not PC's though I have downloaded and installed everything and as required I started ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA I even started each mission in all the DLC's and have a save game for all of them/ Well running steam in admin and running DayZMod I can see all the servers in Multiplayer most I can't play as I don't have things like Epoch etc but the ones that have green lights that I can play I try but nothing At first it was saying Battleye Initialization failed so after reading a few things one of them being to run "Setup_BattlEyeARMA2OA" so it creates a "checkFileList.lst" in both the ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA folders within steam's directories and then try again, this didn't work. Then I wen't to Battleye website and downloaded the latest version of the client and put it in the correct folder replacing the old one in the hidden folder in AppData/Local/Arma2/Battleye and /Arma 2 OA/Battleye. After restarting now all I get is "Connecting Failed" PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME WITH THIS I have checked the integrity of all local files through steam everything is ok I've never played DayZ and have been a big fan watching it on YouTube so I bought and built a good gaming PC and bought the complete edition to play this and really want to play
  2. ok thank you i will try that, and yes I know what a mod is I create and code myself. Its just I'm a console person but after watching FrankieOnPC for a long time on Youtube i decided to do a major upgrade on my pc and get into dayz this is why i'm so frustrated because essentially I've waited so long to play this game and thought if i get the complete package and get dayz mod all through steam it will make it easy for me simply launch dayz mod from steam and boom load of servers to join and have fun but nope not for me :( And basically spending a load of money on upgrading my pc for gaming basically just to play this game And I was going to buy ARMA 3 next week to play the mods on that but no chance not if this is whats going on with me. In my steam games list I have this ARMA 2 OA Beta (obsolete) should I uninstall that? And I think 'm just going to uninstall everything and re download in what order should I do that in. Im going to do this because everytime i click to verify my game on arma 2 oa it always ends up finding a couple files it needs to re download, not sure if thats just battle eye because of the size And if I do as you say move all the contents from arma 2 to arma 2 oa common will i still be able to play arma 2? not that i will really as i said all this just to play dayz lol Sorry about this and thank you very much for hearing me out and helping Oh one last thing someone said to me there was recently a update and most servers are not running this do i need to change my dayz version in steam or just leave it on no beta stable Also when you say uninstall everything and only install ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA what about all the ARMA 2 DLC is that ok to reinstall and in what order shoudl i do it all in?
  3. its crazy 3 days I have been trying like crazy to play this and i'm pulling my hair out I have tried everything and yes I downloaded everything and ran all dlc arma 2 and ao even got so far as to save the mission on all games and dlc. Each time I try something different it seems to ruin more and more. The whole reason I got this complete package through steam was to make things easier and it hasn't. Why is it that having no other mods just arma 2 and arma 2 ao with all the dlc and only the @Dayz folder with the mod downloaded through steam it doesn't find any servers all servers are red or orange and unable to connect. I literally only bought the complete package 3 days ago just to play dayz and the experience I've had and support which has been none excluding these two replies here (i'm talking about help from the support on steam for arma 2 and dayz mod is 0%) This has totally put me off buying Arma 3 complete now on Tuesday which is what I was going to do to play mods but no way now if this is what its like. Im not a noob when it comes to working on PC's so the basics I'm good with but still nothing. Only thing I have managed to play is Epoch but that was last night and today doesn't seem to work and that was through Dayz commander, on dayz commander it says my DayZ Mod is corrupt but checking on steam its fine. On steam do I use the beta on arma 2 ao and or dayz mod? All I want to do is play Dayz and its really stressing me out why is it so complicated. Dayz commander seems to be ok but it won't download any mods I just get a error and a red triangle I have a list of mods I've downloaded from official web's but it doesn't use them or says there corrupt which they are not. I thought to myself before I got this if all these different mods cause problems not to worry I'll just play Steams Dayz Mod but not once have I been able to play that!!!!!!!!!
  4. I have and its causing more problems than before im now getting arma 2 decryption of headers failed and connection failed on everything I have donloaded several mods through dayzlauncher as nothing downloads through dayz commander i just get a red triangle all the time 2days now trying to sort this is ridiculas wha a waste of money