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Everything posted by BroskyBro

  1. BroskyBro

    screen acting weird

    Okay, thanks bro.
  2. BroskyBro

    screen acting weird

    I was asking for a serious answer, thanks. I noticed it's bright inside buildings but crazy dark outside, and from inside the houses outside looks bright.
  3. Hi, I was playing today after finally getting fully loaded with an akm, a few mags, same with the makorav, a ton of medical supplies, a nice backpack, food, drinks, I get into a truck and drive off, and out of nowhere, I get sucked underground. I can't get out. It killed me. What the heck?
  4. BroskyBro

    noob question

    How do I load my crossbow? I tried loading it just I would load any gun and it wont work, help please lol.
  5. BroskyBro

    noob question

    Okay, that was it, thanks! Also, I used a speed loader on my .357 magnum and I can't reload it, have any idea what I should do?
  6. BroskyBro

    Server Hoppers Plus A Video On Peaches.

    I honestly don't think server hopping is a big deal, I don't do it but I don't see why it's a big deal. 1. it's a game. 2. it's stuff inside a game. 3. you can just wait for the server to reset. 4. there are so many other places to look for loot.
  7. BroskyBro

    killing new spawns

    Well, yeah I guess, that's nasty. What I basically got: people eat each other, jerks "testing" weapons on people that just spawned, and just to make people mad. lol
  8. BroskyBro

    killing new spawns

    eat me? what? lol
  9. BroskyBro

    Nights are too bright.

    From my experience, flashlights make the surroundings darker, I tested it the other day, it's weird.
  10. I don't try much anymore, people just kill me for no reason or a glitch kills me, I just take everything off and mess around on full servers lol.
  11. BroskyBro

    Help me I'm stuck!

    Yep... I had that happen lol, suicide and restart....
  12. BroskyBro

    Guns you can't wait to see in DayZ?

    AK47 was influenced by the STG44 wasn't it? But I like the ideas, WW1 has the coolest guns imo.
  13. BroskyBro

    Taking on the bandit role.

    Would I be a bandit if I shot someone that had a gun then...? It's just kind of hard for me to tell the difference with trying to be safe and being a bandit....
  14. BroskyBro

    Taking on the bandit role.

    What exactly is considered a bandit in this game? The guy that shoots first or something? I honestly don't know, I keep hearing the term used but don't know what it means in DayZ.
  15. BroskyBro


    Hey, anyone know a good noise cancelling/high quality sound headset with a mic for roughly 50 dollars?
  16. BroskyBro

    Massive Stockpile - Player made?

    I was there yesterday, found 8 75 round drums for my akm, fully loaded on food, med supplies, drinks, etc. There was so much I had to make decisions like "should I take the akm, the ak74, or the ak101?" and everything I had was pristine lol. Lucky me, no one was online at the time so I had all the time in the world!
  17. BroskyBro

    Forks and Spoons

    but m&ms melt in your hands
  18. BroskyBro

    wait for host

    Last 12 servers I've tried to join "wait for host" *stays on that screen* am I supposed to press something to start the game?
  19. BroskyBro

    please help someone new to the game

    I pressed alt and enter at the same time and it fixed.
  20. BroskyBro

    my stuff keeps reseting

    Hi, this is really getting annoying. I wasted my entire morning getting to the military base. I got off for around half an hour, came back, and my guy is reset, I have nothing, and I'm on the beach. This is the second time this has happened to me within the past two days. What is going on? The game is fun, and I know it's in alpha, but this is beyond stupid. What gives?
  21. BroskyBro

    my stuff keeps reseting

    Yes, you are referring to 3rd person/1st person next to the server name and stuff?
  22. BroskyBro

    my stuff keeps reseting

    I don't play on private servers.
  23. BroskyBro

    i lost my stuff randomly

    Hi, I was playing yesterday and I lost connection to the server I was on, I exited out then logged back in thinking it was no big deal. When I joined back in I had lost everything and it made me respawn. Was this a global reset or something?
  24. BroskyBro

    zombies do what?

    Okay, thanks bro, that's all I wanted to know.
  25. BroskyBro

    zombies do what?

    I stated I'm a new player, please don't give me this already. The point of this post wasn't about zombies being easy to kill or hard to kill. It was about them walking through walls and doors. All I wanted to know if the devs were working on it.