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Everything posted by tachyon

  1. tachyon

    Weapon Noise stats

    So I looked in config.bin files for each weapon to see if there were measurable stat values for noise for each gun. I'm not sure, but is this it? begin1 = {"dz\sounds\weapons\firearms\akm\Akm_single_0", 1, 1, 900};begin2 = {"dz\sounds\weapons\firearms\akm\Akm_single_1", 1, 1, 900};begin3 = {"dz\sounds\weapons\firearms\akm\Akm_single_2", 1, 1, 900};
  2. I have the same issue. The Energized bar always stays that darker shade. It never disappears even though my hydrated bar did. Don't have any cookware on me so I can't try any raw meat at the moment. Edit: nvm it finally went away so I'll have to wait and see. edit 2: Fixed it. a lot of cereal did it for me.