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About EKC-Shibuhya

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  1. EKC-Shibuhya

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Well, thats an impass here... As far as I know it from the official channels there was an attack by guys tagging themselves as CQF Members at the factory, I wasn't there myself... Anyways, why do you position yourself out there and plan to attack while knowing CQF-Members are friendly? Why infiltrating or spying on us just to get the thrill of attacking us while peaceful farming? What is the actual point in such attacks? Explain this to me, you seem reasonable and I don't want to argue anymore, really, I'm sick of that betrayal nonsense going on and on...
  2. EKC-Shibuhya

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    And tagging yourself as one of us to get kills and loot does not make it any better. "Woooo look at me! I am such a badass with my little friends and this great idea! Woooo" But well, I won't feed the troll any longer, what ever I say you will come up with a really mature and perfectly logical explanation, declining what I say and making yourself look even more childish :) Just for your information: It's naive to think that it's naive to launch a designated friendly server ;) ask around, 90% of people are just annoyed by you little server hoppers, trolls, ambush puss' or whatever the less friendly forum members would call you and would crush you underneath their wish for a server where you can play in peace, few firefights and more teamplay. So, that joke is on you as well! Little tip: Think first, than post ;) I ain't even mad! Without you selfish little kiddies we wouldn't be able to stomp somebodys nose in the ground, thanks for beeing such a brat, really! :) I apreciate your quick reply, maybe you reply as fast again and we can continue this completely non-hostile conversation! Thank you for your time!
  3. EKC-Shibuhya

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Yep, maybe the did because of some lousy ghoster that hides in the bushes and feals like a man ambushing people on a designated friendly server. You may shoot on sight, laughing your immature ass off in the process, we in return ask you dickheads THREE times before opening fire. Something to think about: There are people out there enjoying a peacefull playstyle and the CQF really does not need to bother with guys like you if they have survivors in need. WE help people and get backstabbed by some little kiddies like you. Enjoy your gaming though, one day your sorry butt will be blasted and then you can run to your mommy and ask for a milk :) That's all
  4. EKC-Shibuhya

    Tutorials for Beginners!

    another one! Traveling through Chernarus, problems and suggestions! Tune in for max win!
  5. EKC-Shibuhya

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    I love this thread so much! Just sent my inquiry :) I longed so much for friendly faces I searched the forum and I found the CQF and now maybe I can play a bit more in peace with you! Message was sent to capecodcaper (Johnny). Hoppe to see you all soon :)
  6. EKC-Shibuhya

    Tutorials for Beginners!

    Hey Everyone, here my basic tutorial: Here my Loot-Path for Elektro (Bare Handed, right after Spawn) Part 1: Part 2: There is more to come! Spoiler: See me doing something totally crazy and thoughtless tomorrow and/or monday! More DayZ videos coming in the future, so stay tuned and maybe even sub to me ;) Would apreciate suggestions and comments, either here or on youtube! Tell me, what do you think?
  7. EKC-Shibuhya

    Consideration: Youtube Support and Series

    I guess I'll do it then :) Since we spawn without any gear the game became even harder, so why not try and tell people how to survive longer :)
  8. Hey there, I hope I got to the right forum to ask my question ^^ Would be nice if some of you give me some feedback here, maybe even someone from the DayZ mod team? I read through the newbie guide and install guides... made me think: I myself like text, I love reading and I love reading such guides, but many wont like that ^^ Soooooo, I am building a youtube channel at the moment (mainly megaman series) but I want to make a weekend series and considered DayZ. My first Ideas no were: -DayZ Tutorials on -Installation -Updating -Joining servers -DayZ newbie guide execution on -Your first life -general tips -Zombie 101 -Quickstart guide Alongside I will document key moments of my gameplay and capture some cool, freaky and epic stuff as I come along :) So, community, what do you think? It's not about getting subs or something, because this is just the initial idea and I haven't done anything to this point. Maybe we could include these videos in the newbie guide too? I saw that the visual learning section only holds one video :) Should I give it a go? :)
  9. YES Well, after some more practice now I managed to spawn, get some wood in a small building next to me, wandered off to a warehouse, found a knife, an axe, binoculars AND a flashlight there (Some RMD and AK Mags too) but then encountered a huge bulk of zombies because I was smart enough to throw a smoke grenade right next to me, I am such a genius! Well, right now I am on a crane and the zombies are my little groupies! :D All in all I think it's fine to spawn without a gun and no, no bandits will spawnrape you right after joining, just get your bearings and take a hike. Even WITH a gun and some ammo I would play the same style because pulling the trigger means more problems right after, so for me there is no point in beeing armed right from start, I want adventure and that's how you get it! It's even more realistic my friends, tell me, how much of you have a gun at home? All I got is a standard issue Colt .45 replica with blanks, only scaring of, wouldn't be really useful if a zombie apocalypse occured :P My only hope is my 3mm air-rifle, it would be even hard to hit an elephant with that thing :D @Aragos: Well, gotta be carefull I guess, just try to avoid contact until you have a gun then.
  10. before saying YES or NO... I spawned several times now (I'm new) and I didn't even get a gun o.O I only get painkillers, no flares, no gun, no ammo... as promised... played a bit now, found me a flashlight but no gun and took some hikes when zombies caught me... is that even normal? makes it interesting though...
  11. EKC-Shibuhya

    Commanding Mode and Crosshairs not working

    Well, after updating I can at least interact and context sensitive icons appear again. But still I dont get, why the commanding mode (as for identifying items/enemies) does not work at all...
  12. EKC-Shibuhya

    Commanding Mode and Crosshairs not working

    Wow, now it says "you are running the wron DayZ Code, update to" but in the matter of fact commanding mode now runs just fine, not sure if context sensitive crosshairs are running, since the text is all over the middle of the screen and due to this "error" the screen is faded almost black...
  13. As the title states, my problem is this: When I spawn ingame I do not get to commanding mode via space, nor do i have a crosshair to open doors, looting stuf, and so on. That happened after I implemented the Beta Update correctly (! Yes correctly, since it started working after that !) What's up with that problem? Had it on ALL servers I joined! It's a bit hard to play the mod without the ability to do any actions...