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About conano420

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. conano420

    possible admin abuse

    it did happen and they reset the server all day to farm themselves loot man the abuse tickets will sort out all that then they are breaking rules
  2. conano420

    possible admin abuse

    yeah and sometimes i get kicked and loose all my gear unfairly and this is what i get when i ask for help thanks bud
  3. conano420

    possible admin abuse

    well there was only 4 people on the server including me so id immagin the other people were with him as its his clan server, thats how id immagin he knew it,
  4. conano420

    possible admin abuse

    he looked up on the logs my name cause there was only like 3 people in the server cause it was a fresh restart.
  5. conano420

    possible admin abuse

    Yes hello I was playing on a public hive server and the admin kicked me so he could come around the corner and kill me. is that really allowed? here is a video of it happening. [snippety snip]