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Everything posted by Snipes007

  1. Snipes007

    Editing Server From Regular to Veteran

    I Have found what I was looking For those with similar issues Once you logged into vilayer's ACP section and have the priviledges to do so you Go to > Configuration Files look for >Server.cfg click on [ Configuration Editor ] to right of that And here you can edit Server Name Server Pass Difficulty Regular/Veteran Ingame Voice on/off 3D View on/off Crosshair on/off Server Message Note that server has to be stopped and then restarted for it work
  2. Snipes007

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Just checking but are you spaced out???
  3. Snipes007

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Items placed in Camo Millitary Landrover gets glitched and dissapears. Same for the Camo UAZ Rockets could this be an Arma 2 issue? I am not sure but if you can sprinkle some of your fairy dust on it that would be execellent.
  4. Snipes007

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Ammo dissapear when equiping items in toolbelt from tent namely matches and hatchett that caused it. Need more hit boxes on barbwire to remove it. Re: not spawning with a pistol.. Once new players start the game if they don't know of other ppl playing it's far to difficult and too frustrating... Most of us started playing well before the 1.6 patches where we had some pistol and ammo which was good and we got hooked on it. We've tried to introduce more clan members into playing the game that around 10 of us current play on daily basis. But as for the 5/6 other players we tried to get on the game, well they all find the fact there's no starting weapon too difficult and boring just running around at start. I personnaly know where to look and have tried my best to keep them interested but I fear this will new feature will not have a positive impact on the game's longevity. Especially on servers that's not been restarted for some time and loot is minimal.
  5. Snipes007

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Once you get knocked unconscious for what ever reason pvp or zombie attacks. If you get given an Epi pen/w8 to come back to life and have to log out of the server for what ever reason. Even up to 5+mins later after regaining consciousness. (my main reason is work and getting called away alot but still play as I am sooo addicted...lol even 10mins here and there is a fix...). You come back and you will be unconscious again. But i've seen it where you join another server you seem fine. Go back to original server and you get the unconscious state again. Having to restart the server does fix this but I don't like to restart too often only around twice / 3 times a day if we can help it to keep server running smooth and loot spawning. And once again the LAST PATCH is the Dogs B......S. Getting closer to an truly awesome MOD. Where can i buy shares???
  6. Snipes007

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Spawn rate on watches if lvl 10 lower rate to 5 and matches if lvl 10 lower rate to 3. In barnes i've seen 1 hatchet sucken in floor ( could be an arma issue) Zombies range on firing shot with a loud weapon not reacting to shots fired from 40m-50m when they should have hear the shot tbh. But I like the way zombies now react to you once they are closer. Loot on food and bandages is high perhaps -1 if that helps. Hit rate on get bleed is lower and more manageable now. Execellent work on hatchet and torch. That now works well wood chopped fine. Plus Torch in belt is a nice place to have it. Placed a tent with no dup or glitch to be found finally that seems to be fixed. Thanks rocket, played for 3hours and really enjoyed the lastest patch
  7. Snipes007

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I have to agree with some of the other posts regarding the removal of the Melee option for the time being. Not having a weapon at start cuppled with high aggro, on top of zombies being able to knock you out or at the very least bleeding in one shot is proving too hard to test out how zombies react.
  8. Clear sky nights still too dark unrealistic Zombies knocking you unconscious is way too high meaning 1 hit = death for those without other ppl to help out.
  9. I have to say that all the new implements seems to work well. However?>> 1. The zombie agro and ability to see thourgh buildings at some distance I personally and as I have read many more don't like. 2. Swapping out your hatchet is not easy, only able to do this via putting into your Backpack. / Swaping it for another primary weap in other Backpacks, Tents or Cars. Keep up the good work Rocket, thanks
  10. Snipes007

    ViLayer.com Quality Dayz Mod Hosting Company

    Ironically 30mins after my post our and most Vilayer servers were updated to 93825 and the coincidence? or perhaps just good timing we'll never know...
  11. I have to agree that the Zed's one hit option into an unconscious state to be a bit OTT. The one hit bleeding was bad but this I think needs a revisit. It will be to frustrating especially with zed's super human hearing and ablity to see through buildings.
  12. 1.What about the Hatchet becoming a secondary item ie the size of pistol or flashlight. I can't justify having a hatchet taking that much space over damage as primary but having it be a backup weapon in the event that I am running low on ammo and just using "f" to cycle to it seems a good choice. Plus I like the multi function of the weapon/tool as a whole. 2. Can't drop hatchet 3. Only way u can get rid of Hatchet is by swaping it out with another primary weapon in a tent or some1 taking it out or your backpack.
  13. Zed's heard me from 50m+ away with a building between us whilst crouched. Personnally I prefered the with LOS on zed's. And I have had the crash with no error message does anyone else have this problem? Just that windows said that arma stopped working. Got all the latest patches ie. and beta 93825
  14. Just to confirm that I am getting a similar issues with 1. Hatchet = Can't equip Hatchet - error Inventory full message 2. Dropped flash light and 13 Crowbars and 6 more hatchets spawned not able to pick it up as they disappear 3. Crowbars show up as shotgun shells. I have not had a change the thank you for the execellent Mod yet so i'll do so now thanks a bunch.
  15. Snipes007

    ViLayer.com Quality Dayz Mod Hosting Company

    Can't say that I am happy with Vilayer servers tbh. They don't seem update the servers regularly enough as the new patches and hotfixes get done so often. Our server is still on 93701, and running One of our chaps have been waiting over an hour for online assistance infact he's still waiting.... Vilayer really needs to pull up their socks if they wish to remain a reliable choice.
  16. Snipes007

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I agree with Logahmmed that supermarkets and office buildings should yield more loot since they are hot spots for conflict. Merely a case for risk equals reward... I have read most of the posts with regards to food and loot not spawning. And all I seem to find is the old Makarov perhaps the odd M1911 and plenty of Lee Enfield's all over the place. Before this used to be an indication of ppl that could have been here recently and sure it could just be rubbish spawing u never know but now i'ave actually started my own recycling business with all the emty tin cans lying about. Since the zed's now do more damage and more often than not one hit resulting in bleeding, we will need some more cans of food and bandaids. Yes there's the mention of loot respawning after some time but I would rather like to see some locations have a better chance of having it spawn there rather than having to w8 around for it to spawn or having to clear the tin cans hoping there would be some cans of food spawning.
  17. Snipes007

    Beans 'n Bandages

    Yes a friend and I have too been looking for some cans of food to keep us going and none of us or our friends have found any cans/ bandages. Luckly we have been close to some well's to keep the water filled up. And the fact that they seem to hit and cause bleeding on first hit, means we'll have to have more access to cans & bandages, similar to the previous version at the very least or a slightly lower % drop...but not this low mate. On a positive note, I Do however like the new zombie LOS option to the previous one.