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About A.Jones

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    cherno hills
  • Interests
    sniping babies
  1. a lot more freedom to stop hacking. as a mod they need arma 2 to stop it. battleeye makes punkbuster look good?
  2. A.Jones

    US 843 Hacked in camp. HUGE.

    I was teleported to and killed on US 843 within an hour ago... is there any way to avoid hackers at all?
  3. seems like either rockets patches or the arma 2 beta has cut FPS in half again seems like hackers are still teleporting you once in a while seems like theres almost no players left it was fun until the hacking came and pooped all over everything after it went mainstream(thanks, reddit), but i take comfort in knowing that the stand alone wont be as rough. edit: just wondering how are you guys still enjoying this game when you can randomly be killed by a hacker or something? also am i the only one with the terrible FPS?(originally is around 40, a patch several months ago killed it to 10ish until a fix, atm its 20ish)
  4. has it stopped or at least died out a little? are there still people teleporting whole servers to one location? me and a few friends got sick of having week old characters get messed up by cheating scum, it started to get to the poitn where it was near impossible to get older than a week without encountering a hacker
  5. this time something crazy like 30 murders to become one...
  6. A.Jones

    My super awesome fun suggestion thread

    I know, but it makes rangefinders obsolete and vehicles noticeable behind trees/bushes..
  7. When tent duplication on server restart is remedied add an item ID on each item, unique, and long so that when other duping methods are used all the items with the same ID are destroyed and the ID is recycled for other items. I am not sure whether this will put more stress on the HIVE. Add street lights that work (some not all) that can be turned on by adding fuel to a large town emergency generator or something of the likes - something that takes effort to put on. this will allow people to illuminate big popular cities for a duration and add extra flavor and more a more genuine feel + another objective to focus on. Remove nametags in the game, they make rangefinders obsolete, it may not be able to be stopped in the Arma 2 engine but when it is a standalone game I expect it to be gone. Until the hacks/cheats are stopped, rename this mod "Grief Simulator". Make no 3rd person servers have 3rd person only available for vehicles - it is a joke landing a chopper in first person. Make an automated mailing list that emails every subscriber to this service when a new Day Z patch is out - I manually update since i am not retarded. I think to stop server hopping is this - fully released Day Z should have 1 character for 1 server, and remove cross server play, so you have different lives on each one... it would make field defenses such as barbed wire useful and you would then actually be able to build a real base that no one with low gear can just server hop into... it would feel more genuine if you had bigger server capacity and no cross server functioning... or alternatively make it so you spawn in a random starting zone location on log out?(i know that would make server hoppers jumping through barracks cry but why not half the fun is running around for hours on end).
  8. OK just checked the vid again, nametags are on, yet only this hacker's nametag wouldnt show. gg.
  9. just got footage of a guy killing me with one on... never seen or heard of it before
  10. my point is that i could have put my chopper in a safe place if the server didnt start dropping players or before that a hacker didnt teleprot me to the westest part of the map and make me run for an hour. if you dont understand why im frustrated why bother flaming me?
  11. how is the full version going to tackel this? how will the servers handle the game? what i want to know is how can it be 100% safe that your time isnt being wasted because of server problems and hackers
  12. i get the chopper repaired minimum, fly it to the quarry nearby, hacker teleports whole server, run back there 1 hour running later, server starts pooping itself and dropping clients... okay.. i go to class today, 4 hours being afk the server is restarted in that time frame and someone finds and takes my chopper within 2 hours of it being joinable... why cant i have nice things? roughly 8 hours total gameplay down teh drain ... inb5 this is an alpha