1. Be atleast 16+ years old exceptions may be made. i am 18 Questions: 1. do you have a mic and be on teamspeak while playing dayz? Yes and yes, i have a headset and access to ts 2. how long have you played dayz for? 2-3 years 3. how often are you available to play dayz? Usually all weekdays 3-12 +weekends anytime as long as Im not working (central us time) 4. are you a good navigator/driver/pilot? yes to all 5. are you dedicated to 905? yes i am 6. what do you think you can bring to the clan by having us recruit you? I am a really good sniper with KSVK and other weapons that do not require zeroing, can hit a target at 900m+ 7. have you been in any other clans? nope You can contact me Via skype - ismiteuout