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Everything posted by daveyrich89

  1. daveyrich89

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    I know that there's going to be a hotfix, but I just wanted to make another post with some of the things I like and some of the things I don't like. I do like the upgraded aggro ranges, but I think it's a TAD too much. Lower it a bit, but keep it higher than it was in 1.7. I've been spending most of the time playing today in Cherno, and I am finding a crazy amount of drops. It's too much, imo. I have found over 5 Lee Enfields in the last 30 minutes alone, not to mention crazy amounts of ammo. I haven't noticed a severe spawn problem but that's due to me not engaging the zombies/running away when I can. However, I have seen videos on youtube about it as well as having had friends tell me about their experiences. I think taking the weapon away at the start is a bit extreme. I would keep the makarov on spawn and just put in a much lower amount of ammo carried with it, one or two clips. This way, in case of an emergency, you at least have some sort of defense, but you also have such a limited amount of ammo that you won't just be going willy nilly into a town knowing you have enough ammo to take out a small army of zombies. I also think not having a weapon at the start will turn away new players. For me, since I have a bit of experience(not saying I'm pro or anything), I know how to handle myself at the start. Looking back at when I first played, however, I would have never been able to survive without the makarov. As far as not starting with food/water/medicine, I like that. It gives you an incentive to start scavenging right away. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am having FPS/lag issues. It's strange because on some servers, I get no FPS issues and on others I can barely play. It makes me think this is a server side issue, but I never experienced this before today's patch. But really, I think the biggest issue are the zombie/item spawn rates. Both are WAY too high.
  2. daveyrich89

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Zombies respawn way too quickly. Combining the reduced start gear and upgraded zombie damage/aggro range will most likely turn new players away. I feel like, since you have no means of defense at the start, you should try to implement some sort of punch/kick system or give some sort of low damage melee weapon to start. Something like a knife/baton/etc. I understand the game is supposed to be highly realistic, but there is a difference between realism and difficulty. Just because the game is now horrendously difficult (at least at the start) does not make it any more realistic. In fact, when you account for the new behavior of the zombies, I feel as though the game has become much less realistic. EDIT: I've also been having FPS issues and issues with my flashlight not working (even when on a night server). Zombies are even worse when it comes to hitting through walls. Overall, I feel the game should be rolled back until 1.7 until all the kinks are worked out because this is just getting ridiculous.