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About overlooker

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    On the Coast

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  • Bio
    My profile photo is of my Son who is in the Army. I am retired Navy.
  1. overlooker

    DayZ is peaceful

    I am an older player (used to play Doom. Doom II). Call myself Overlooker in game. Getting used to things and still keeping to the side preferring low count servers till I get better. I have become very good at finding out my location and getting around at will to any location I desire. Funniest thing I saw so far was a zombie chasing a cow way out in the middle of no where. Raided a few tents and actually left items I did not need in a tent for a player. I prefer stealth for now and only came across other players a few times. Of those we traded items and one time another guy took me out. I get on most every evening for a bit. I like in the USA and are on Central time.