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About shruu

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Thats exactly what you sad, in an agressive and immature way. And im not bragging, because im in a clan and our server doesnt save vehcles, so they respawn everytime the server restats. Edit: Vielleicht nimmste mal den Kopp ausm A**** und trollst/flames mal net so viel Jungchen. Eng: Maybe you get your head out off your a** and stop trolling/flaming boy. Shruu
  2. So you suggest, that every clan that has vehicles and owns a server should close there servers because its unfair that they have a server and want vehicles? ... wait, what?! Allmost every server is a clan-server, if you don't want clans to rent servers and get vehiles, than play on no-hive servers or testservers! And 1 Ural, 1 bike and 1 ATV ... really? are you new to this game? i find more in one day by accident ... Shruu
  3. shruu

    "CD-Key in use" issues

    BIS-support, please check your mails! Shruu
  4. shruu

    "CD-Key in use" issues

    Having the same problem since yesterday, can't connect either. CD Key in use! When i make it into the game my gear and my position is totally different. EDIT: my Character is dead! After 22 days alive! Everything is gone. So, after dieing from bugs and hackers, now other ppl are playing and killing my char, this game keeps getting better and better! Shruu
  5. We repaired 5 Helis in the last 5 dayz. Unfortunatly our Server does not save vehicles :( Shruu
  6. shruu

    Pending Update: Build

    The helicopter is leaking fuel because you need to repair all the glasses. After reapiring all the glasses it won't leak anymore. So its no Bug i guess. Shruu
  7. shruu

    Zombies are Mike Tyson

    Thats not possible, maybe you got hit by an AS50 or M107? looks more like a sniper or a rock you stumbled upon! Rocks can do 30k damage if you are in the wrong place, thats not a joke :\ I think the Zeds are a minor issue right now, Rocket should fix the Alt+F4, Hopping, Hacking, Tent-duping and so on first. Than you can debate about Zeds beeing to hard for you. If you know that this can happen, avoid it! As simple as that! Something like this didn't happen to me once. I only died 5 times by a player, but 20 times by a bug. Thats normal for an alpha, so thanks for bringing this to our attention. You should just wait the Update! Shruu
  8. You should have told them to pack it up and get a new campsite. Just destroing other ppls stuff is griefing and an admin should never do so. You were just upset, i can understand that, but you could have reasoned with them. Instead of asking them, you just destroyed what the have worked for. Your just an poor admin, keeping 10-20 ppl happy isnt beeing an admin, you should treat everyone equally, Not favor some players and exclude the rest. Shruu
  9. Off the map sux, but they get deleted after restart anyway (at least they should). So why ban/kick them? And by the way, we have also ALOT of vehicles horded, thats the point of having a lagre group. The reason that a clan is big and successful souldnt animate you to ban/kick them. It looks like it was for your own benefit, not for the other players on the server. You just denied other players to play the game, and this sux, regardless the hording out of the map. Shruu
  10. You shouldnt tell ppl how to play. My clan does gridsearching too. Its the most effective way to get vehicles. So you are saying that we have to play by YOUR rules to get fun out of the game? I dont think so. You should be greatfull that a clan wants to call your server their home. Shruu
  11. So true. Wodahskcin please get some manpants and admit that you are wrong, this is getting ridiculous! Shruu
  12. shruu

    Dallas 48 god mode

    Thats all normal ingame items and the player has desync. We had a clan mate that had a 4 minutes desync. He walk from Stary to Vybor without us seeing him. After the sync he was gone and in the next village. So all you did was record a desync, happend to me multiple times. Shruu
  13. shruu

    US 303 down after kill

    Hey, happend to me today and in the past (UK13 3x times and on Lu227 today). http://dayzmod.com/f...27-admin-abuse/ Shruu
  14. Hi folks, a friend and i were looking for cars on LU227, suddenly we spotted an offroad truck near lopatino. We heared shots and started to engage. After one minute we saw a car driving down the street. It hit a tree after 50 meters and the driver died. Than i shot his friend and we started to loot (L85, Coyote Backpack and so on). After 10 seconds we got a yellow chaine and than "No message received". Server: LU227 Date: 7/20/2012 Time: 05:14 Shruu