well first time i've booted i got an error about not able to read memory 0x00000000 but that was one time only after that i haven't seen it, havent tried after rebooting though maybe it'll give the error again, then i'll remember to take a screenshot the config i have after starting dayz and editting the settings ingame are: language="English";adapter=-1;3D_Performance=100000;Resolution_Bpp=32;Resolution_W=1920;Resolution_H=1080;winX=16;winY=32;winW=800;winH=600;winDefW=800;winDefH=600;refresh=60;Render_W=1920;Render_H=1080;FSAA=4;postFX=0;GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000;GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3;HDRPrecision=8;lastDeviceId="";localVRAM=2147483647;nonlocalVRAM=1095507968;vsync=0;ssaoEnabled=0;AToC=15;SWLayersCount=0;PipQuality=3;PPAA=4;Windowed=0; the directx and vcredist versions i've installed were the ones provided with dayz itself included in the dayz folder in steam every time i start dayz it says this programm has stopped working, it asks if i want to debug dayz with visual studio but that message screen also freezes when it pops up :| Spec of my PC are:CPU: AMD fx8120GPU: AMD HD7950RAM: 8GbOS: windows 8.1