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Everything posted by CREDiBLE


    Just unlucky?

    Dont mark things on the map. Everyone can see it.

    Why cant i hold...

    And slugs. Always with the fucking slugs.

    Wilderness fix?

    Not a fix, but a solution. If you have a compass, keep heading east-south-east and you'll eventually get back in the normal map. If you don't have a compass, well, then I don't really know.

    Is melee in the game?

    Yes, you can. Hatchet and crowbar are functioning melee weapons.

    Which was your first gun?

    Winchester in a barn in Bor. Happiest moment of my Day Z career.

    Disabled Side Chat: Revisit?

    bring side chat and sexy back

    To Rocket & the “Hardcore” crowd

    I want you inside me.

    To Rocket & the “Hardcore” crowd

    It does need that. kthnx
  9. Can we please get a statement from any dev on this issue? There's tons of forum posts on the subject: https://www.google.no/search?sugexp=chrome,mod=18&ix=h9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=%22day+z%22+freezing#hl=no&q=+site:dayzmod.com+%22day+z%22+freezing&sa=X&psj=1&ei=e_nhT_WuIYTOsga1962FDw&ved=0CFsQrQIwAA&fp=1&biw=1280&bih=675&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&cad=b Over a month ago rocket said it was the debug menu that was causing it. and that it would be fixed in the next update: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1041&pid=10758#pid10758 .Well, it seems like it didn't. My friend is currently having the same problem. We've tried: - Reinstalling ArmA II and ArmA II: OA. - Starting Steam, ArmA and Day Z as administrator. - Applying latest beta patch from Bohemia. - Installing through Six Launcher. - Installing manually. - Turning off and uninstalling any firewalls. - Turning off vertical sync. - Setting all video settings to low. - Using GameBooster. - Finding servers through Six Launcher. - Finding servers through ArmA II: OA Beta ingame. - Run memory tests. He has given up, I'm carrying on as a bannerman for the hundreds of people still having this problem, still being unable to play Day Z. Please devs, take time to address this issue, at least with a short reply telling us why it happens - or if you even know. We have no problem assisting you in recreating and troubleshooting the problem, as it happens all the time, no matter what server he is on.
  10. It all boils down to psychology - not the fact that some people are assholes. The better gear you have, the more scared you are that others will kill you - and therefore shoot on sight instead of trusting you. Best case scenario you are a friendly and you eventually part ways, worst case scenario you lose the gear you've used many hours to collect and have to start all over again. Many things have been tried to nerf KoS'ing, but I don't think that's the way to go. Instead, encourage friendliness. I.E better chances of spawning rare gear when in groups, add a social need just like eating and drinking, zombies fearing to attack several survivors as a group etc. There's no incentives to be friendly (except when you need blood transfusions), but there are huge incentives for being a Kill on Sight'er. (You get all the loot yourself, you don't risk getting killed and looted). If the devs want this game to have a remote chance of trust and friendliness, that balance has to be corrected, or there will never be peace in Chernarus. But I don't really have a problem with it anymore, I respect and PvP-aspect. However, I still try to be as friendly as I can without taking risks.
  11. CREDiBLE

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    Hipsters gonna hip.
  12. CREDiBLE

    How my attitude has changed.

    I totally agree with you. In a dream world, Day Z would be played how you describe it. This has been my first day of Day Z, and I've tried to befriend the players I've come across. That has resulted in 7 deaths out of 7 players met, even though I've unequipped my guns, stated my intensions in the chat and even saluted many of them. Obviously this game isn't what I though it would be in that respect. My strategy from now on is to KoS, I'm not taking risks anymore.