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About obikai

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Please friends enlighten me as to what this mysterious icon represents? looks kinda like a potion bottle or science beaker ... i dunno i cannot play just now but i spotted this for the brief moment i logged in ... anyone know what it is?
  2. obikai

    Happy Birthday Rocket

    Happy Birthday Rocket!!!
  3. obikai

    for SHAME!

    "So, like the gents say - we have alot more zombies than was intended. Lets see where this goes. Please stop sending abusive emails!" It's Rocket's Birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROCKET!!!) and he chooses to to knock out an update regardless and the man has to request you not send abusive emails???? for SHAME! It has been amazing to watch ARMA 2 go from obscurity to Steam's top 5 over the past few days and it IS without doubt because of this MOD but sadly this sheer ignorance is a bi-product of it's success. -TLDR- Rocket dropped a patch for all to try on his bday - and ppl respond with abusive emails? FOR SHAME! EDIT: I did not once imply that all stupidity comes from COD/BF or that all people that play it are that way inclined HOWEVER the volume of that kind of behaviour is far far greater on those games than ARMA whether you care to admit it or not. That said i took your comment onboard and changed my post out of respect. But don't call me a kid thank you .... i'm not much younger than Rocket. /Obi
  4. obikai

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Happy Birthday Rocket!!! and many thanks!!!
  5. Good point there Iz, tho Legion's hosted servers already do do that ... and you cant die when logged off so the emphasis there is definately on potential but i do see you point.
  6. I think the question has been misleading, no one is begging for money at all ... there are several threads asking for DONATIONS ALL NW was gonna do is give the donators a lil something back. Consider this topic closed i don't like the way this is going especially when its fellow leasers i see commenting. And as far as i understand reserved slots would work as we do on any other server whereby NAMES are reserved on the server, when the server detects the player it ejects a non reserved player at random. It's the way we have always done it.
  7. As the title says, NW plans to start its own DayZ server. Our server is very fast, and we will be monitoring it very closely to ensure maximum reliability. However fast hardware costs cash and what we propose as an incentive to both use our server and benefit from it is that people who make donations will be given a reserved slot on the server on a monthly basis .... this is simply because the calculated BW usage and costs for the mod are pretty damn high and to put things in perspective people are quoting minimum 2TB for dayZ we currently run 15TB with 100/100mbit and should it be required plan to up the hardware on the box aswell. What do you guys think? it does mean you wont be sitting waitin on open slots, you will also have the sanctity of a well organised and friendly clan keepin the populace in order :)