Among the thousands of things that tick me off in this game, the only one that makes me take a prolonged hiatus from this game is gearing up for hours and then accidentally walking off (or glitching off) a ledge. Stopped playing about 2 months ago cause I died instantly after missing the stairs when walking down from the 2nd floor of a barn, was my best geared player to date. Started playing again today, spawned,talked to some guy then got punched to death by his friend after about a half hour, spawned again, got shot within ten minutes. I don't mind that, I actually enjoy those interactions even if I die for no reason, without provocation. Spawned a third time, geared up for an hour or so, walked off the topmost ledge of a school building onto the 2nd story roof...dead. This has got to be one of the simplest ways to die and the most unrealistic. I know this is an unfinished product but this seems like a very basic function that needs to be addressed. I swear I've seen parkour videos of people face planting way worse than I ever have fell in the game, and I'm sure they've only suffered broken bones. Anyone one else feel this way??