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About Simerent

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Simerent

    DayZ / Steam Shuts-Down Simultaneously

    Atleast yours goes away. Mine stays until I give up after like 10 restarts.
  2. Simerent

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Any attempt on trying to fix the Steam and DayZ crash issue I reported about here?
  3. Simerent

    DayZ / Steam Shuts-Down Simultaneously

    Reinstalled all of my packages of Microsoft Visual C++ 2008-2013 redist and still hasn't fixed the problem.. Any other suggestions?
  4. Simerent

    DayZ / Steam Shuts-Down Simultaneously

    I updated my NVIDIA drivers to combat my Dying Light lag.. Could that be it?
  5. Over the last few days my DayZ client has been crashing randomly and shutting down Steam with it. I would start up the game and after about 20-30 minutes it would crash randomly with nothing particularly different happening then what usually happens (running and killing zombies). I don't know why this is happening. I've tried reinstalling Steam, DayZ, running Steam, DayZ and BEClient in Compatibility Mode for Windows 7. I've edited my video settings to make sure I am not able to run it. I have also monitored my temperature for my computer to make sure it wasn't overheating and closing DayZ / Steam because of it. At this point I am out of ideas on what to do.. I have attached my DxDiag to this and this is the link to the DayZ.rar from my AppData folder. If someone could help with this situation that would be awesome :) DxDiag.txt