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Everything posted by Lothahnus

  1. Hi, I am kinda tired of restarting my game over and over because people want what I have. I am still new but love the game and play about everyday. I am still learning how to do things. I want to know how to set up a base and such and I still have not figured out all the steps to make fire. I could look it up but I like to figure it out or roleplay and hacve someone tell me in game. I want to kill zombies and survive. Not have some yahoo log in shoot e steal my stuff and leave. Is there anyone that has a private server that is looking for friendly to human players? I have TS3 and I am in pacific time zone and usually play late at night. If so let me know. I promise i wontkill anyone. I just want to play in piece, well as much piece as a zombie apocolypse can give me. thanks for reading.