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Everything posted by tanktastic

  1. tanktastic

    LU115 Zelenogorsk firefight

    Nice battle report donkey, thoroughly enjoyed the read. Hats off to both party's for playing it fair it is by far the more fun option no matter whether you come away victorious or not.
  2. tanktastic

    Our first real piece of action

    Enjoyed the read, the more info the better in my opinion.
  3. Maybe he means the hospital in cherno is closed? Probably dont have any spare beds again.
  4. So ive been playing this game for a few weeks now and really loving it and the way it seems to have changed my initial direction, i never intended to set myself up as a bandit but when your first few days/week is mostly filled with being shot by other players its very easy to just say fuck it i want to be on the other end of that ak/m4/weapon of choice. Im now on day 12 with 6 murders(should be 7), 1 bandit kill and have most of the equipment i want(yes i will lose it at some point) however there are 4 items im really wanting to get my hands on, coyote backpack, a tent(no idea why this has eluded me so long), a silenced pistol and of course nvg. Today started off as normal, log on at the edge of a town to the sound of gunfire so i lay low for a time as i get a feel for the situation, when i figure its safe to move i high tail it out of there. heading north i reach a small town with a market so i go check it out and first thing i see is a tent which makes me very happy, so i gather up a few extra supplies and head off to go get it set up where i want it. After this i make my way through a forest and as im reaching the edge of the tree line i stumble across a truck that has been parked on a tent! It didnt have a great deal of gear in but having grown mean spirited playing this game i decide to steal it and ditch it thus denying some hard working guy(s) his spoils. Now i park it up in some trees not far from a deer stand thinking ill see if there is anything there....there was, another player making a bee line for the deer stand, well i cant very well let some chump have my loot so i put him down. At this point i take some time to check around, im very cautious and am lucky enough to possess a thermal scope, as im scanning further along the edge of the forest i spy another heat signature, sure enough another survivor coming to investigate. I lay down a barrage of rounds in his direction but thanks to my crappy aim he managed to avoid getting killed. Of course im not going to stay in the same place too long so i move around and find another position where i can watch the body of the guy i already killed, as im watching and waiting i spy the guy i missed close to where i first spotted him so i open fire again, once more fail only this time he cracks off several rounds in my direction. I go prone and get myself some distance until i find a nice tree to hide in. Now about 5 minutes later as im sat there in this tree i hear the engine of the truck i ditched roar in to life and start coming my way. Im fully expecting it to go flying past me and leave me be but no it stops and he starts blasting the horn before jumping out soon after. Ok i figure the guy must think its my truck and i give a fuck about it so he is trying to flush me out. I stay right where i am and moments later my patience pays off as the guy comes running up and stops 10 feet away with his back to me. I did not miss this time and was rewarded with the coyote backpack ive been looking for!! So far it has been a very lucky day for me and im thinking things could go 1 of two ways at this point, im either going to find me the last two items on my shopping list or im going to get my face blown off, personally my money is on the later but we shall see. Sorry for the long winded story but felt the need to share.
  5. tanktastic

    is the luck about to run out...

    Thanks Tigger i totally agree, every time i run in to a player or group my heart starts pounding. Would love to group up with a decent band of people bandits or survivors and will probably try to make the effort next time i die, its just the paranoia that keeps telling me shoot first! and sadly none of my mates on steam have dayz.
  6. tanktastic


    I just found a tractor!, How do i take a screen shot(printscreen right?) and where does the file go pls?
  7. tanktastic


    thanks, just need to sort out file size now. Didnt realise you could drive a tractor in dayz, hope they introduce combine harvesters so you can drive around chewing up zombies.
  8. tanktastic

    is the luck about to run out...

    Totally a casual gamer and yes i do play about 2 hours a day. Like i said i never really set out to be a bandit and sure maybe im not one im not really bothered, just posted it here since it was my little story about killing other players, that is what you bandits do right? A lot of the gear i have such as the LA85 i actually stole from a bunch of vehicles that were being hoarded by some players a while back, got lucky and came across them parked in a field near the northern most town. 5 vehicles all totally loaded with weapons and gear, stole and crashed 2, took a 3rd which got blown up 2 seconds after i bailed out(almost didnt survive that one). The other 2 cars were moved by the time i got back there. If i were smart i would have taken them to keep for myself but i find vehicles more hassle for lone players like myself, thats just my opinion though. My overall approach to this game is one of taking it nice and slow, be patient, gather up a few bits of equipment here and there so when i die i can re-equip easily then once im happy with what i have i can start focusing more on the hunting/camping/killing. Im never gonna be some bad ass gunman that roams electro butchering survivors in their hundreds but i am going to have fun my way and hopefully kill a few more people.