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About raxto

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  1. raxto

    Stable Update 1.05

    @Impulz why server browser showing servers with only serverside mods as modded ? Can you exclude serverside mods from this list ? Because for players/clients are not modded, they are not need any mod.
  2. raxto


    And here are some images from very early stage of BARRANDIEN project. One of first tests with A2 trees. Comparison test. Comparison test. Lake comparison test. Rails test. Village preview. Materials overview. Height map test.
  3. No more Unknown Entity. :) It would be great to have a chance to check some info after dead/unconsciousness of character if body is still in game. 1. NAME - nickname 2. BIRTH - lifetime of character (in hours/days) 3. KILLS - how many players was killed by this character. 4. BLOODTYPE - bloodtype cheers... Raxto
  4. raxto

    More settings

    It would be great, be able to: 1. lock window resize2. borderless window3. audio in background Raxto
  5. raxto

    Fresh spawn point ?

    Ok, i try to decode GUID to SteamID and i send you all info i have. Check your PM. Raxto.
  6. raxto

    Fresh spawn point ?

    I asking because we met player, that spawn there as fresh, 4 times in a row. We killed him 4 times in 5minutes as fresh-spawn.
  7. Hi, is it possible to get fresh spawn location here in tents near Myshkino ? thx for reply Raxto
  8. raxto

    GUIDs to copy in game menu

    I can "convert" GUID to SteamID. Send me GUID and i give you back SteamID. :)